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My eyes open and I'm not in my bed...or the couch for that matter

I look around as my eyes adjust to the light of the room, and I realize that I'm in Chris's bed

I look beside me, and he's sleeping on his stomach next to me

I carefully get out of his bed, trying not to wake him, and I walk out into the kitchen

"When did I go to Chris's room?" I ask, squinting my eyes at the kitchens brightness

"He brought you in there after you passed out on the couch," Nick says

"Oh." I say and look around Matt, and he's making eggs

Chris walks out of the room, and once his eyes meet mine, his facial expression visibly softens

I smile at him, and he sits next to me, lying his head in my lap

"Are you still tired?" I ask

He shakes his head, and I run my hand through his messy brown hair while I use my other hand to scroll through Instagram

"Did you see this?" I ask, showing him Nick's post

He nods, and I go back to playing with his hair

I feel him gazing up at me, and I choose to ignore it for a few minutes until I finally look away from my phone and meet his gaze

"What?" I ask, looking down at him

He shakes his head and looks away with a small smile on his face


I run around in the grass down towards the water

"Yn I swear if you get wet, you're not getting in my car," Matt yells

I decided not to test my chances, and I ran back up towards the playground, and I noticed Chris chasing after me

I scream and try to run away, but he catches up and lifts me up off of the ground

I kick my legs, making Chris lose his balance, and we both fall to the ground, making us erupt into laughter

I lay on my back and grab my phone out of my pocket to answer a text from my mom

I notice Chris taking a picture, and I try to ignore him

I notice Chris taking a picture, and I try to ignore him

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Christophersturniolo posted


User: bffr

User0: I'd ask what are we after this idk
TheRealYn0 liked this comment

Stanforsturniolo: ??

Hater: bro, not again.
Ynsbiggestfan- you just got dabbed on bitch

Matt and Nick walk up to us and tell us they're going home cause they're bored and before I can say anything, Chris says we'll be home later

I look over at him and he has puppy dog eyes but I don't even think it was on purpose

My eyes travel back and forth between his and he leans down, connecting our lips

I lean into his touch and once I pull away to take a breath he looks at me like he physically needs my touch

His hands circles behind my neck, pulling me up and he kisses me gently

I pull away and quickly get up, running off towards the swings

He gets up and follows me and sits on the swing next to me

I swing as high as I can before I jump off and land on my ass

"That hurt" I whine, also laughing

He watches me from his swing and I get up and climb onto his swing with him

I hold my hands around his neck when he starts swinging and connect our lips once again

I hold my hands around his neck when he starts swinging and connect our lips once again

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TheRealYn0 posted


Stanforsturniolo: THERYE BACK

user0: no fucking way

Madifilopowics: omg no way

Christophersturniolo: hey that's me
TheRealYn0 liked this comment

I wrap my arms around Chris and lay my head on his shoulder noticing it's dark out now

"Should we go home?" I ask

"Probably" he says standing up with me still clinging onto him

He walks us back to my house and carries me up into my room where I finally let go of him

"Ok leave" I say with a blank face

"You're kicking me out?"

"No, I'm just kidding" I say and walk into my closet and grab a clean sweatshirt and change into it

"I like your swestshirt" he says, nodding at my fresh love sweatshirt and I notice we're matching now

"Oh twins!" I say before walking around my bed and opening my glass doors

I walk out to the balcony and lean on the ledge

Chris comes beside me and I look over at him

His arm finds its way around my shoulders and I lean into him

"I missed you" I hum quietly

"I missed you too" he says and we go back inside

I close the doors and hop into bed next to him

I lay my arm over him and rest my head on his shoulder with his arms wrapped around me

Our legs tangle together and I fall asleep in his arms

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now