How could you

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I wake up and alahna was already up

"Oh hey" she says

"Hey what u doin" I ask

"Just getting my stuff together, I should go soon" she says and I nod

She zips up her bag and takes a deep breath

Around an hour later alahna went back home she got a ride from her mom

Right after she left I got a call from an unknown number

"Hello?" I pick up the phone "Hello I think yn yln?" A very unfamiliar voice asks

"Yes" I respond

"We have seen some of your recent posts on Instagram and we would love to have you work for us at vogue" the voice says

"Holy shit..uh holy crap really?" I ask "yes! We would like to have you here by tomorrow at noon" she says

"Oh I don't have a ride I would have to make some calls" I say

"We already bought your plane ticket to LA" she says

"Oh...then why not" I say

"Perfect. Well I'll see you tomorrow get packing!!" She says and hangs up

I go upstairs and start packing my suitcase with clothes and everything I'll need for atleast a week

... (two weeks later)

I walk out to my car and drive to my hotel

"Finally shifts over" I sigh

Once I get to my hotel I go up to my suite and lay in my bed

Eight new messages from Chris


Can we talk


Are you there

Are you ignoring me?

Can we please talk



Hey Chris


Can we talk

Sure what's up

Honestly alot. We've barely talked since you left for your last minutes offer to be a model

Don't get me wrong. I'm so proud of you , you really deserve this...but everybody is wondering why you ghosted them


I've been busy like crazy with my jobs and offers

Too busy to text your bestfriends and boyfriend?

Happy late anniversary.

Shit. Our anniversary was a week ago

Sorry I'm really stressed

I felt bad about the anniversary deal but Chris doesn't realize how stressed I've been

But my advertisers gave me a chance to do my shoots back in Boston so I get to stay back home

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now