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I wake up and look throughout my room from my cozy warm bed

Clothes are scattered throughout, in heaps and piles.

Cans of sodas and cups and dishes lay across tables

Blankets, shoes, garbage is all over my floor.

How long have I been asleep?

18 hours? How long was I up?

I check my phone and it's the 28th.

Last time I checked the date was the 24th

I mustve been hibernating or something

I reality break, you could call it.

An escape

Chris, matt and especially nick have all been checking in, along with my mom. Who I haven't hear from in a very long time

Mom said she's leaving the house to me.

She frequently puts money in my bank account and is off traveling the world I guess.

I left modeling. It's to much too handle along with my mental health, social media, relationships, friendships, and just me in general

And last time I said that, I didn't like what I scratched off my list and it won't happen again

I fall back onto my side in bed going back onto my phone just as I have been for days on end

I mustve been on my phone for hours because I've swiped away many messages from friends and Chris

I decided to answer him just so he doesn't worry

Yn are you doing OK?

Hey mamas are you doin alright?



I'm fine

I'm gonna come over hun

I'll see you soon

No my house is a wreck Chris don't come


I don't care I care about you and you know that ma

Chris no

He never replied and I got tired of waiting for an answer to I scrambled back to tiktok to watch more videos endlessly

I felt my eyes start drooping shut when I heard something outside my room

I turn my head and look to my door and Chris turns into the frame

I drop my head on my pillow

"Chriiis" I whine feeling annoying he ignored what I said

I lay my phone face down and shove my face into my pillow

"You cant hide forever you know.. everyone's worried about you" his voice leads into the room

"I can hide for as long as I can" my voice says, muffled into my pillow

The side of the bed sinks meaning he sat

His shoes clunk onto the floor and he turns and crosses his legs facing my lifeless body

I groan and cling onto my pillow

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now