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I pull away

"I'm sorr-" I stop when I hear him

"Just shut up" he says exhaling and leans back into me and holds my face kissing me

I wrap my arms around him and his go around my waist

I lift my legs and wrap them around his wait and he walks us upstairs to my room and falls onto his back on my bed


I wake up and it's still light out, my clock says 2pm

I look up above me and Chris is sound asleep

I lift myself up off of his chest and use my knees and hands to hold me up

I lower my upper body and kiss his lips

He twitches and groans slightly

I turn my head and kiss the corner of his lips

"Mm" he turns his head and his eyes open

He sees me and his cheeks go red

He smirks and hides his face

"Don't hide from me" I whine and roll off of him

He looks at me and smiles

He pulls the back of my neck and holds his lips to mine

I pull away and smile at him

"Wanna go do something" I ask

"Like what?" He asks

"Anything" I say playing with his hands

"It's pouring outside b"


He hasn't called me that since before we broke up last year

I feel butterflies in my stomach and try to act normal

"So what" I say looking up into his eyes

"If you want" he smiles

I hop out of bed and look for a sweat shirt cause I got too hot ealier and threw it off my bed earlier and now it's missing

I grab a plan black sweatshirt and slide it on

"Hurry up" I say motioning for him to get up

He gets out of bed and we go downstairs

I run out the front door and into the empty street

The down pour immediately soaks me in rain water and I jump around in all the puddles

Chris stands on the door way staring until I stop and see him

"Come on!" I yell and he jumps off the porch and runs into the street

I stomp in the puddles and holds Chris's hands

He stops jumping so I stop when I feel his hands stop moving

I look at him squinting my eyes at the rain falling over my face

He has one arm on my back and the other holding my hand

He looks down in my eyes and smiles

I hold around his neck and hug him

He wraps his arms fully around me

I pull away

"Can we go inside now I'm so cold" I shake my wet sleeves

"Please" he smiles and we run inside

"I'm soaked" I laugh and pull my soggy hoodie off and drop it on the floor

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now