Chapter 10

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Naina sits quietly in the car with Vikram, who is driving at a steady pace. The silence between them is palpable, and she gazes out the window, lost in thought. Vikram glances at her and, sensing her unease, pulls over to the side of the road.

Naina looks at Vikram in surprise as he parks the car. He unbuckles his seatbelt and, without turning to face her, says, "Come outside."

She steps out of the car and walks towards him, stopping a little distance away. Vikram stands facing the other direction, the tension evident in his posture. After a moment, he begins to speak. "I know our relationship happened very quickly, and we didn’t get a chance to know each other properly."

He pauses before continuing, "But before our relationship can move forward, my siblings need to accept you."

"If they don't like you or don't accept you, our relationship will never progress."

"If I start liking you and they don't, it won’t matter. I love them the most; they are my life. It will take some time for them to accept you."

Naina listens silently, remembering that he had mentioned this before their marriage. She understands that their situation is complicated. Seeing her silence, Vikram adds, "Don't worry, I don’t love anyone else and I’m not going to. It’s only you. You will remain in my life... And even if you don’t like me, you will have to bear with me for the rest of your life because I will always be there."

She suddenly looks at him, his words catching her off guard. She doesn’t know how to respond, not wanting to jeopardize their relationship, so she looks away.

After a while, Vikram notices her tucking her hair behind her ear as the wind blows it across her face. "Let’s go now," he says gently.

Naina starts walking back to the car with Vikram following close behind. Suddenly, Vikram grabs her hand and pulls her towards him, holding her tightly. Naina clutches his coat, stumbling slightly, confused by his sudden action.

Vikram opens his coat, hiding Naina's face against his chest. He guides her back to the car, opens the door, and helps her inside, shielding her from view as if protecting her from someone.

He quickly gets in on his side, starts the car, and they drive off, leaving the unknown threat behind.


Naina watches Vikram driving, his expression stoic as he navigates the road with speed. She gazes out the window, puzzled by the sudden change in atmosphere. Then, Vikram pulls her towards him, and as she finds herself in his embrace, her heart races. She can't tell if it's from his sudden movement or the proximity to him.

Lost in her thoughts, Naina is surprised when Vikram places something in her lap. She looks down and sees a beautiful bouquet of red roses wrapped in a white sheet. Glancing at Vikram, who continues to drive without reaction, she feels his silent insistence to accept the gift. Naina tentatively takes the bouquet in her hand, a small smile gracing her lips as she looks out the window.

 Naina tentatively takes the bouquet in her hand, a small smile gracing her lips as she looks out the window

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Upon reaching home, Naina exits the car and heads straight to their room. She changes into comfortable clothes, while Vikram enters the house after parking the car. Just as he's about to go upstairs, his phone buzzes with a message. Naina emerges from the room, noticing Vikram's return.

As Vikram prepares to change, Naina starts to make the bed. Sitting down, she hears Vikram say softly, "You should go to sleep; it's late. I have some work to attend to."

"Okay," Naina replies in the same tone, lying down and turning away. Vikram glances at her before leaving the room.

Soon, Naina drifts off to sleep, the events of the evening lingering in her mind as she succumbs to slumber.


The next morning, Naina awakens to find Vikram still sleeping on the other side of the bed. She quietly slips out to take a bath before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Spotting Rajendra outside, she feels a pang of nostalgia and decides to make tea for him, reminiscent of her own father

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Spotting Rajendra outside, she feels a pang of nostalgia and decides to make tea for him, reminiscent of her own father.

Approaching Rajendra with a cup of tea, Naina is greeted with a warm smile. "Naina, my child, why did you wake up so early? None of my children are up yet," he remarks, eyeing her with curiosity.

Naina smiles back affectionately. "I always wake up at this time," she replies, handing him the tea. Rajendra graciously accepts it and compliments her on the aroma.

Feeling a bit nervous, Naina hesitantly asks, "Uncle, can I go to my job?" Rajendra's smile fades, causing Naina to panic. "Is there a problem? I'm sorry if I've done something wrong," she blurts out nervously.

Rajendra's expression softens as he looks at her. "Why do you call me uncle? You can call me Dad, just like my children do," he suggests gently.

Relieved, Naina sighs and explains, "I'm not used to it, but now I will call you Dad."

"Okay, but for the last time, you can call me uncle. And yes, you can go to your job whenever you like; there's no need to ask me," Rajendra assures her with a smile.

Grateful, Naina returns the smile and heads back inside to finish preparing breakfast.

Naina prepares breakfast, with only a little left to do, when Vidyunt arrives to wake up Vidhi and Ved for college

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Naina prepares breakfast, with only a little left to do, when Vidyunt arrives to wake up Vidhi and Ved for college. Noticing Naina's efforts, he offers to help, despite her protests. Eventually, she agrees, allowing him to assist in setting the table.

After breakfast, Naina excuses herself to get ready for work. As she enters the room, she hears the sound of the shower running and assumes Vikram is inside. Attempting to put on her earrings, she struggles until a hand gently takes the earring from her.

Startled, she stumbles, but Vikram catches her, holding her steady. Meeting his gaze in the mirror, she watches as he deftly puts on her earrings, his touch gentle. As he turns to tend to his own appearance, Naina lowers her eyes, feeling a flutter in her heart.


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