Chapter 2 post trial and execution

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Merry- And....your votes have been made! The blackened who killed aori shinozaki, is yukari koime! Im so proud of yall!

Kizuna- Your a know that right?

Yukari- ...........nope.

Kizuna- ............ayame, hold me back. Im bout to fuck her up...

Kana- Why....yukari....why did you kill aori...

Teruya- Yeah yukari....this aint you, you know..

Marin- Yeah Yukari-chan....tell us why you did it....

Yukari- Its just like what ayumu said.......i killed aori because of the motive....

Kana- But why go after aori? She was a family member right here....

Yukari-...................i.......was just.....jealous....

Kizuna- im about to pop you in the neck with my $140 dollar shoes.....jealous of aori all because she is cousins with mikihiko!??


Kizuna- Your shoes cost 50 cents.

Ayame- DAMN.

Teruya- focus yall.....

Yukari- I never wanted to kill her...but anger got the best of me....

Ayumu- What do you mean?

Yukari- my cousin...........we always play and have fun....also living life to the fullest.......he was like...a big brother to me....suddenly....a car was about to hit us.....i didnt know what to do until....he pushed me away from the case....only to get hit by the car.......he was my favorite cousin...and the world took him away.....

Nikei- May i clarify?

Yukari- Sure ig.

Nikei- Since you lost your cousin, and you found out aori is mikihiko cousin, and there bond was unbreakable like how your bond was with him, so you got pissed and killed her?

Yukari nodded at the response

Akane- Oh yukari chan, im sorry for what you have to go through..

Kana- why you didnt tell us?

Nikei- She just did.


Yukari- i miss...both my parents....they were there for me thick and thin......and i need to see them....i never wanted to kill, but i had no family was gonna die....

Mikihiko- but what about our families? Is your family matter more than the people around you right now?

Everyone turned to mikihiko, as he sound a little angry...

Mikihiko- listen, im sorry for the loss of your cousin, im truly am....but that doesnt give you the goddamn right to kill my cousin.

Yukari- Mikihiko i-i-

Mikihiko- You killed....all because of jealousy? Just because your cousin's dead doesnt mean you should inflict pain to others...

Yukari- B-But i-

Mikihiko- didnt mean to kill her? Bull-fucking-shit.

Kizuna- PERIOD.

Akane- Kizuna! D:

Kizuna- What? He's speaking facts

Mikihiko- you know....this is actually funny...especially since your trying to make yourself look guilty in front of everyone, just so they could forgive you. *looks at everyone* and would you look at that, its working!

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