Chapter 67: Jimmy Keller

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Change in POV

Fucking finally! I stretched and made sure everything was healed up okay. It had taken a fucking two days to completely heal. With the hot nurse's help, it was quicker than if I were left to my own healing ability, but two days of lying in bed doing nothing had been complete bullshit. I tried getting some action from that sweet ass of a nurse, but she was some uptight broad that was as dry as a desert. Now I could finally get out of here.

I straightened my clothes and headed for the exit, but when I opened the door Hendrix was standing on the other side. He raised his eyebrow inquisitively. "Going somewhere, Mr. Keller?" he asked.

"It's Jimmy, and hell yes I am. I've been sitting here rotting the last couple days." I snapped preparing to push past him.

Hendrix's eyes narrowed. "Well Jimmy, have you forgotten the contract you signed. I think it's time you get reintroduced to your client. Your job starts now."

I narrowed my eyes and growled slightly. "You're fucking joking. It can't wait a week?! What's the bitch going to do? Stroll into the middle of some gang war?"

Hendrix moved fast, and I mean fucking fast, and had me lifted in the air by the throat. His hand squeezed down harder than I anticipated, and when I tried to pull him off me, I found my strength to not be enough. This didn't make sense. I worked out and trained every day. I fought other vamps and weres on the regular. Hendrix was just some rich douche bag who'd rather shag his desk than a decent broad. How was he overpowering me? And how was he doing it so easily? I was only out of commission for two fucking days. Did this rich little shit drug me or something?

"Let's go over some ground rules, Jimmy." Hendrix strode into the room with me dangling from his grip. When he reached the gurney, he dropped me onto the thin-ass mattress. I coughed and massaged my throbbing neck. "First, you will stay within sixty feet of my little human at all times. If you can't see her, then you better be able to hear her heartbeat." He hissed with his eyes flashing red. "Second, you are to attack and even kill anyone or anything that has obvious intent to kill, harm, or even mistreat her. Including yourself."

"Fucking hell, Hendrix. You make it sound like I'm not just babysitting your fuck toy and keeping her chaste for ya. Do you get off on flaunting your little virgin in everyone's noses and holding her just out of reach?" I said with an amused smile. I wasn't one to judge the kinks of these rich bastards. I've seen some hella sick ones, and I myself am drawn to sadistic tendencies in bed, but I had never been degraded to this level for some twisted fantasy. That was taking it too fucking far.

Hendrix smirked. "You really can't keep that stupid mouth shut, can you? Third, you will learn things in the presence of my human. Things about her, about me, about things you may not have even thought of before. But you are not to breathe a word about what you've learned or discovered unless given direct permission from me. If you break any of these three rules, your contract will have been broken and your life will be all mine." His voice was barely a whisper at this point, but his words held power. A shudder ran through me, and I knew that he had succeeded in getting his message across. I was on the hook for guarding Hendrix's little human princess for six fucking months whether I liked it or not.

Much to my chagrin, Hendrix led me to where he kept his human. It was a rather small and underwhelming wing of his manor, but eventually we came upon a glass door leading to an indoor greenhouse. Through the door I could see an array of plants with a large Angel's Heart in a crystal pot. I had sold a few of these pilfered plants on the black market a few gigs back. I knew how expensive they were, and at its base sat his human. Her hair was back to the short pixie cut that I had first seen her with, and she was wearing a flowing dark magenta shirt with jean capris. She had black flats on her feet.

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