Chapter 98: June Jackson

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Once the shock had worn off, I kicked and struggled against Hendrix's hold. Memories of how he would do this before he did things to me fueled my panic. He already failed to keep one promise, and he never promised to keep his hands off me. My angelic arrogance quickly wore off, realizing I was powerless to stop Hendrix.

"Let me down, Hendrix!" I screeched. He ignored me. I knew by the turns he was making that we were headed towards his bedroom. I didn't understand. Hendrix said he respected me. He said he admitted defeat. Why did it feel like we were going back to square one? And with the unicorn and his friends here it felt a thousand times worst. Tears sprung to my eyes and I clutched at his shirt not having anything else I could do.

"Let her down, Hendrix! You're fucking scaring her." Jimmy barked. I looked over to Jimmy who was standing there with his jaw clenched. He was guarding me from Hendrix, despite Hendrix's power over his payroll.

"Good! She should be fucking scared! This isn't some game!" Hendrix shouted gripping me tighter. I flinched and felt my fear turn to rage.

I punched his shoulder as hard as a weak human could. "You bastard! Talk to me like a person! I'm a fucking person!" I screamed and cussed just done with all of this. I wasn't a sex toy. I wasn't a possession. I wasn't a child.

Hendrix only put me down once we got inside his room. "Stay there." He ordered Jimmy before closing the door. Hendrix and I were now alone in his room. I quickly backed away to give a good distance between us. I had no good memories of this place, and the ones I had still haunted me.

"What is the matter with you?" Hendrix suddenly spat with scarlet swirling in his blue eyes.

"The matter with me? What the hell is wrong with you?! You can't just yank me around and demand things of me. You told me you weren't my master. You agreed to listen to what I wanted!" I shouted shaking with anger.

"And I would never have agreed to that if you were just going to thoughtlessly throw yourself into dangerous situations! I can't turn away for a second without you being on some precipice of ruin!" He spat walking towards me.

"What are you talking about?! I'm not!" I argued.

He scoffed. "Yeah? Sprouting wings during your debut. Running off without Jimmy when Wistering Heights was under attack. Staying in said dangerous house to put on an impromptu concert. Then just running off to help some werewolf brats when there was no way to be sure all the danger was gone. None of that seems reckless to you?"

"No!" I shouted exasperated. "I didn't know I'd sprout wings. I had a plan and was completely capable of keeping myself safe at Wistering Heights, and those pups needed me."

Hendrix rushed me and I scrambled back against a wall. His arms caged me and he loomed over me. "Capable? Then push me away right now. Fend off this dangerous monster." He whispered threateningly.

I glared up at him. He knew I couldn't overpower him.

He pressed in closer to me and his fangs extended. "You better do something quick, or I will do something you don't like."

My mind whirled. I couldn't use strength, but was there really nothing I could do? I didn't want to admit that Hendrix was right. I wasn't able to defend myself. Not here. Not with these species with broken strength and abilities, but I was capable against those shades. I could do something. Seeing Hendrix's lips looming closer I suddenly remembered the night I was drunk. There was one thing I could do that might shock him enough to pull away.

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