Chapter 88: Destin Moon

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I loved all the comments on the last chapter! It was fun reading my readers' predictions and thoughts on characters. As promised, here is the extra chapter for this week! This is thanks to






Thank you again for all the feedback. Please enjoy and feel free to vote or comment.

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

"Do you have any plans to go on tour anytime soon, Mr. Moon?" A vampire with silver hair pinned up in red roses asked. She fluttered a fan gently by her face. Whether it was due to the stuffiness of being caught between the crowd and myself, or her hope it would draw my attention to her attractive features, I didn't know. Nor did I really care.

"I've taken on a protege recently, so I don't see myself going on tour for the next few seasons." I said with my practiced smile. Attractive or not, I felt nothing for the gawdy vamp. There would be no point in forcing it either. Vampires could be a fun romp, but there was no future there. What I needed was a decent enough werewolf. A werewolf I could mark, mate, and move on with, so that I could finally rid that hybrid's scent and image from my mind.

"That mystery singer, right?" a male vampire shouted from the group clustering around the surprise popstar.

"I loved her voice!" another voice praised with a drink raised.

"Yes! I bought the single the moment it hit the shelves. Her voice is so enchanting. I listen to it while I tend to my garden."

"My human gets so docile when she listens to it. It has really mellowed her anxiety. I was thinking of replacing her at first, but now I can keep my precious Kendra."

"I played it at my last party and it was a perfect ice breaker!"

The vampires that surrounded me would pipe in here and there about the hit single and the charming mystery singer. I wasn't surprised. I myself enjoyed the little hybrid's voice, and the single almost immediately jumped to the top of the charts.

"I'm sure this mystery singer is impressive, but let's not forget Mr. Moon's efforts. It is his single after all." The crowd went silent as a blond vampire with ice blue eyes caused the crowd to part. "Isn't that right, Destin?" he said. His red suit made quite an impact against his pale skin, and a crown with bat wings was pinned to his chest.

I bowed reverently. "That is true, Your Highness. Thank you for noticing."

The vampires that were once crowded around me stepped back and bowed themselves.

"No, thank you for coming to my party." He smiled and glanced around me. "Would this mystery singer be with you? She is to be performing this evening, is she not?" His eyes narrowed on mine, and I could sense the challenge.

I contemplated my answer. I had no idea where my little hybrid was. I had only come here, because Princess Katherine had called and informed me of her debut at this vampire's three-ring circus. It was far too soon in my opinion, but the vampire princess was her manager. I was mostly here for damage control.

"Now, Ronald. You know that the mystery singer is my client. Destin is merely her tutor. Her chaperone into the music industry if you will." Princess Kathrine in a shimmering green ballgown cut into the crowd and approached her elder brother with a smile.

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