Chapter 97: Lannister

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My first book didn't make the Watty's Short List, but all is good! My readers make this all worth it! Please enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

We finally made our way outside of that maze called a mansion. When chasing shades, the location or how we got there didn't matter. Trying to find the right door, stairs, or hall to get out was a whole other matter. We also wanted to avoid running into anyone. Too many questions. In retrospect I should have assumed my bipedal form and used the cloaks to hide from detection, but we were in too much of a hurry. I also didn't want to be caught by any shade I may have missed without being in my most powerful form. Although I couldn't deny that I liked being in my true form. I didn't mind staying this way for a little longer.

"Tala!" Hoen called as we approached the group that had gathered near Mr. Hendrix's vehicles. Two more had joined them. A large alpha werewolf with silver fur, and yet another vampire with buzzed black hair. I hesitated. Three vampires and a werewolf were not the proper company for a unicorn.

Fortunately, Tala ran over to greet us, which allowed a comfortable distance between them and myself. "You both made it. Were there any problems?" she asked.

I snorted and Hoen shook his head. "It was getting a bit dicey for a bit, but when the singing started..." Hoen trailed off.

Tala's eyes widened and she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! So you both agree then?"

Hoen and I looked at each other. "Agree to what?" I asked.

"We can't send the human-angel back to be executed." Tala said matter-of-factly.

"Uh Tala, that's not our decision to make." Hoen said sadly.

She shook her head. "But we can't. She... She's amazing."

We stood around in silence for a few moments.

"What did you see, Tala?" I asked both curious and trying to understand.

Tala looked up into my eyes. "Her singing was something else. Like from another world, and she did it as if it was like breathing to her. She has this air about her that oozes confidence and peace. She seems unassuming at first, but... I don't think she is suffering as you both said."

"Where is she?" I asked scanning the group again. They were all looking into the woods waiting for something. Mr. Hendrix looked particularly frustrated as he paced back and forth.

"She went to collect werewolf pups, I think. That werewolf stopped Mr. Hendrix from stopping her earlier. They don't seem to like each other very much." Tala explained. Sure enough some werewolf parents started howling for their pups. The distress they were giving off made my coat hackle. Some would occasionally notice me, but their distress far outweighed their curiosity.

"They allowed her to just go off on her own?" Hoen asked surprised. He had a point. If she was this angel in human's clothing she should be monitored constantly. The demons would love nothing more than an angel they could eternally torment.

"Well, she seems to be a handful. She challenged Mr. Hendrix and defied him more than once." Tala said with a smirk.

I chuckled. "Not bad for a human."

"Oh wait, there she is." Tala said pointing out a couple figures emerging from the woods. Pups ran out from them into their families' awaiting arms. I noticed the expecting couple we saved from the shaded wolf earlier was reunited with their son, and I was happy for them.

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