Chapter 95: Lannister

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Change of POV

"What do you think?" Hoen asked staring at his clasped hands. That vampire thankfully allowed us to borrow one of his motorized vehicles. They weren't common in Alturess, but Tala knew how to drive one. Mr. Hendrix and his ilk were taking another car and Tala was trying to stay close behind them.

"You mean, about the human-angel story..." I said.

"It makes sense." Tala said. "I mean we saw those Angel's Hearts, and you both felt the angel's blood in the vampire. It would explain how he was able to stay fed so easily."

"No! It doesn't make sense! Angels are akin to gods. They have no flaws and only know light and goodness. Humans are petty, selfish, and are more akin to vermin." I spat. It was true. Humans bred at an alarming rate, took whatever they wanted while disregarding the consequences, and attacked anything that got in their way. Even each other. It was the main reason angels rarely took a human for a host. The humans that were used were raised at the monastery where they prayed and repented daily. They remained virgin and kept from all demonic influence to keep them as angelic as possible.

Hoen took out the Gem of Heaven in his pocket and analyzed it closely. "But he said that she made this glow... Only the angel who gifted music could do that, and that angel happens to be missing."

"Because she died!" I shouted sitting straight in my seat. "The angels mourn her loss every year by holding that music showcase in Alturess." It was a sweet gesture at first, but the demons started to get involved. What was once a shared love of music was now a showboating competition between the species. I hadn't attended the last five years for that reason alone.

"But how did she die?" Hoen asked turning to me. "Angels and demons don't experience death as we do. If they happened to be fatally injured, they simply get reborn without their memories. They may lose the person, but the soul or entity never vanishes. So how did this angel manage to die and disappear?" Hoen asked again.

I leaned back into my seat. The angels never told anyone how she had died. Only that she did. "Wouldn't you know more about that than me?" I finally said.

He shook his head. "All I know is that the angel I was bonded with felt immense guilt whenever this angel of music was brought up."

"So, it is possible that the missing angel is in this human then?" Tala clarified. Our silence was enough of an answer for her. "Isn't that good news?"

I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat. "Even if this human had this angel inside her, it would have been torture for her." I said sadly.

"The human?" Tala asked.

"The angel. This human has been left to her own devices in a world filled with demonic beings and energies. The fact that she's some vampire's pet for who knows how long means that she is most likely no longer a virgin. She has probably seen, experienced, and done some deeds that would increase her own demonic tendencies. The angel may not be dead, but it probably feels like it is constantly dying. She is trapped in her own personal hell." I said gripping my hands into fists.

Hoen nodded. "If only we had found her sooner, we may have been able to nurture this odd coupling into something of benefit, but now..."

"But wasn't she able to take out a shade? That's what that vampire said." Tala said. The gate to the Vanian wolves' den was now before our cars.

"It must have been a fluke. Without proper training there is no way some human could harness the great angelic power within her." I said, but doubt lingered. She had supposedly blessed the vampire's estate and tended to those Angel's Hearts.

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