Chapter 79: Jason Hendrix

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Thank you for all the comments on the last chapter! I had a fun time writing it, so I'm glad others enjoyed reading it. Now on to the story!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

They just kept coming. I really should have fed from June before we left. I slashed through another vine that managed to wrap around my leg, and nimbly jumped to the side before a dryad could punch me. Keith was right at my back barely keeping above water. My dependency on June's blood had made me stronger and faster than even Keith, but everything had its limits. The angelically charged crystal that Jimmy had picked up kept Cenderion's roots and vines at bay, but it did nothing to stop other dryads or their weapons of mass vegetation from coming after us.

Keith and I jumped as a large root swung at us, but I failed to avoid the whip of another to the chest. Cenderion must have warned the other dryads about my increased capabilities, because all of their attacks were focused on me. This was both a bane and a boon. There was no chance of me reaching June in time if at all. For every dryad or vine I beat down, two popped up in its place. Keith would also never leave my side, even if I ordered it. That still left my forced hire, Jimmy. I had managed to toss June's tracker to him, and he was able to slip past with little difficulty.

I wasn't sure if Jimmy alone could save her. He didn't really know what was at stake, and I regretted not informing him. A stray vine clocked the side of my head leaving my ears ringing and head pounding.

"We can't keep doing this forever!" I shouted in frustration.

Cenderion had been right. I wasn't prepared to protect her. He was able to swipe her and keep her from me so easily, but was that all this was? A test? Was he proving a point? No. Something was wrong with that doting dryad. He not only broke an agreement, something dryads held as dear as their own lives, but he was too rough with June. His eyes were too wild.

Keith suddenly went flying into a tree sending him and a few broken branches hurtling to the ground. I glanced in his direction while wrestling with yet another vine.

"Keith!" I shouted. There was no response as he laid motionless on the forest floor. I could barely make out his heart beating through the angry shaking of leaves and branches, but it was enough to know he was still alive. Without his defense on my rear I was quickly overrun by vines and dryads alike. Each limb became restrained and the punches, kicks, and strikes pommeled my defenseless body. Not only had I failed to save June, but now my own life could be forfeit.

"Master Hendrix! Hold your teeth together!" Ulysses suddenly shouted. I glanced back to see the elf with a black eye standing nearby with a large box for a backpack that was connected to a hand crank. His hand was on the handle ready to go, so I did as he instructed.

Ulysses started to work the crank as he grounded himself with a strong stance. A loud rumbling noise sounded that made the air and earth vibrate harshly. I quickly realized why he had me hold my teeth together, because the vibrations were making my bones shake. The vines holding me suddenly released as the dryads around me screeched and held their hands over their ears. I dropped to the ground, and Ulysses stopped cranking and ran over to me. The sound and vibration stopped, but the dryads were still wailing and holding their heads in agony.

"We have to move quick. This will only stun them for five minutes." Ulysses said gesturing to the path back to my estate.

"We have to get June." I said firmly. I looked over Keith. I'll come back for him. The dryads were all after me anyway.

"Are you insane?!" Ulysses yelled.

Before I could argue a bright purple light accompanied by a small sonic boom flared deeper in the woods. That had to be June's luminous strike. It was just as Ulysses described it. I rushed in that direction with Ulysses on my tail. It wasn't long until I had her scent. Cenderion's had somehow mixed his scent with hers, but it was her scent alright.

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