Be The Same.

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"You're up," Christian says as I walk into the kitchen while he made dinner.

I nod, wrapping the blanket around me. "Are you hungry?"

"Little bit."

I sit at the table and put my head down. I can hear him walking closer to me, "I picked this up while you were sleeping. I don't know if you want it."

He sets a pill bottle next to me. "They said you need to eat something while taking it."


He sits next to me while letting the food cook on the stove. "I know you don't want to talk about it which is fine. But can I ask you one thing?"


"Did you know?"


"You didn't speculate anything?"

"You said one thing."

I made him laugh. That was nice to hear. He looks at me, wanting an answer. "No, I didn't know anything. I think you knew before me," I tell him.

He nods, "Okay."

My doorbell rings and I go to get up. He gets up before me and answers the door. I keep the blanket wrapped around me as Christian goes out of my house. I watch him bring in my things from work.

Bridget comes into my house, dropping her things on my couch. "How are you?"

"I just slept for a couple of hours."


She looks back at Christian, "How's he been?"

"Trying to hide it for me. Trying to get answers out of me. I just can't right now."

"That's okay."

I nod. Christian comes back and stands around in the kitchen. I put my head back on the counter. I hear Christian and Bridget talking quietly in the kitchen.

I ball my hands into fists to relieve any pain. There's a bowl placed next to my arm. I look up at him as he holds a fork for me to take, "Thank you."

"I leave tonight for a week. So I'm sure Bridget will be around," Christian tells me.


He puts his hand on my knee. He looks uncomfortable as he tries to spit out a question. He sighs, "Can we talk about this when I get back?"

"We can try. I'm not going to promise anything."

"That's enough for me."

I won't lie when I say that I will be so happy to not have him around for a week. He's been driving me crazy for the past week. He's been hovering. He's been sleeping here for the past week. Not in my bed. On the couch. Even though I told him not to.

He gets up, walking away from me. "Christian?"

He turns toward me, "Yeah?"

"Thank you."

He looks down at the floor and smiles, "You're welcome."

I hear my front door shut and lock. God I can't wait to catch a breather.

I've been feeling better. Not good enough to work but good enough to not lay in bed all day, although that's where I currently am.

I can't wait to get back to work. I've been dreading every morning that I wake up because that means it's another day where I don't do anything. Another day waiting for Christian to leave for his game. I'm 'asleep' by the time he comes back.

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