Sink In.

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"Hey, any chance there's a Target or Walmart nearby? I want to pick up some stuff?" I ask Ryan as he pulls away from the arrival terminal at the airport.

Everything worked out because I've worked three nights in a row so now I'm obligated three days off. I took advantage of the opportunity and ran with it.

"Yeah, there's a Target on the way to his place. I'll stop."


"No problem. How was your flight?"

"Fine. I got stuck in the middle and I didn't sleep."

"I didn't want to say anything but you look tired."


He laughs, "Why are you tired?"

"I worked last night."

"He was telling me you were working nights."

I shrug, "I switch back and forth. When you guys come back, I'll stick to day shift."

"Just passing the time?"

"Yeah, seems like it. It just so happened that I'm off for the next three days. Everything worked out this time."

"Hopefully, you don't have to save a life on your way out."

"I don't mind it when I'm at work but I'd appreciate it if I didn't have to while flying."

"Hey, open your garage door," Ryan tells Christian over the phone.

"What?" he asks.

"Just open it, please. I have something for you."

"Ryan, what did you do?"

"Nothing. The kids, Larisa, and I have something for you. Get out here."

Christian ends the call abruptly. I stand in front of Ryan's car. Soon enough he opens the garage door. "What's going on?" he asks before he can see me.

"Surprise," I say.

"Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me?"

He hugs me, "Every time you don't answer me, I'll assume you're on a plane."

I laugh, "Did you really think I would miss this?"

He kisses me, "I was hoping you wouldn't."

I stand by him, holding my arm around him, "You two are sneaky."

"We work well together," Ryan tells him and I nod, agreeing with his statement.

"This is the second time you've done this to me within four months."

"Don't be so easy to surprise."

I walk into the kitchen as Christian puts a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I stood behind him, hugging him as he watched the microwave. "Get settled?"

I nod against his back, "Yeah."

He turns around, "Tired?"


He moves pieces of my hair out of my face, "Why?"

"I worked last night."

"Last night? So you got done this morning?"

"Yes. 7-7."

"Are you going to stop working nights when I come back? Because I'll be selfish and admit that I would like to see you."

I laugh, "Yeah. And you're not the only one that wants me back on day shift."


"Yeah. She gets bored without me."

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