That's Impossible.

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Christian rounds third before sliding into home, beating the throw from the outfield, scoring another run. He stands up and jogs back to the dugout.

A hand is placed on my shoulder. I look up at Larisa, "Oh my gosh, hi!"

I get up and hug her, "I wasn't sure if you were going to be here."

"Last minute got let in. I wasn't sure either," I tell her.

I follow her inside, taking my empty can and tossing it in the bin. Ryan and the kids come up to join us. "Nice of you to join us," I tell him.

He laughs, "Well, I'm finally retiring so I thought we could have a ceremony or whatever."

I hugged each of the kids before they went crazy with the other kids and the food provided. We sit at a tall table where we're still able to watch. "So I'm hearing you're building?"

"Yeah, we are. We've got this great plot in the same neighborhood that I'm already in so I won't have to travel much farther for work. It should be done before our birthdays so we're going to have Christmas at the house."

"So he moved in?"

"Yeah, he did. Most of his stuff is actually in storage since I didn't have the room in the house. I have photos if you want to see them."

"Of course we want to see it."

I pull out my phone and let them scroll through the photos. "Wow, it looks incredible."

"You'll have to come out and see it when it's finished. Maybe next season?"


Larisa points at her kids, "Can you get them to settle down?" she asks Ryan.

He walks away from us. "So... house is right now. What's next?" Larisa asks.

I shrug, "I don't know. I'm really trying to enjoy everything. I've spent a lot of time worrying about things that were out of my control. So if it's an engagement or kids, I'll be happy. I can see either happening probably not soon but I know that's the next step. We're both going to be 30. I think it's time to really settle down."

Bridget lets out a frustrated sigh as we sit next to each other. I slowly turn to her, "Everything okay over there?"


I put my pen down, "Would you like to talk about it?"


I slowly turn back to my computer. I mark a few things off on my chart before seeing a notification pop up from our lab work system. Two of the kids I have are sick. One strep throat and one influenza.

I take two masks with me along with my tablet. I stuff a mask in my pocket before putting the other one on. I knock before entering the room.

I sit next to the mother, "So good news, it's not influenza. Bad news, it is strep throat. He'll need antibiotics. If I can have you verify this information, I can send that prescription in."

I hand her my tablet and wait. She hands it back to me, "Is there anything I can do? He's so young and I don't know what to do."

"Get the antibiotics. I'm sending in for a liquid prescription so it's easier. The pharmacist will explain everything but make sure you start it right away. It'll probably be twice a day, once at night and once in the morning. A lot of rest, soft foods, and managing pain with Tylenol and Advil."

I hand her a few papers, "These also explain everything I just told you. I will get that prescription in as soon as I get back to my computer. These are also your discharge papers. So you guys are free to go. Feel better."

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