None of That Matters.

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"He's in the clubhouse talking to some guys but I can get them out," Craig tells me.

He walks into the clubhouse. I wait with the confetti popper. I'm anxious to know what the color is. Craig and a few young guys walk out, "Just him. Oh, and congratulations."

"Thank you."

I walk into the clubhouse as he sits alone, facing his cubby. I freeze as he stands up. "Do you want to find out right now?" I ask him.

He turns around, surprised to see me. I twist the popper and pink confetti comes out. "Oh my god!" I say, jumping up and down.

"We're having a girl!"

He hugs me as we stand around the dark and light pink confetti. He picks me up, kissing me. We're both startled as more confetti poppers are let off.

We both look around and see the guys standing there, celebrating with us. "Did you know about this?"


Everyone who partook in helping us celebrate the announcement of our baby's gender comes up and hugs us. When the room clears out, we walk out to his car.

"I knew you were flying when you didn't answer me," he tells me as he opens my door.

"Look, I gotta keep you on your toes somehow."

Christian holds his hand on my belly as he drives home from the complex. He looks over at me as I fight to keep my eyes open, "Are you hungry?"

I nod, feeling for the button to put my seat back. I look over at him and he smiles at me. "How's work been?"

"Pretty good. It keeps snowing and people are still stupid."

He taps his fingers on my belly, "What about your schedule?"

"I don't know why I didn't do it sooner."

"I don't think it was presented to you as an option."

I shrug, "It wasn't but I knew people who have four-day, forty-hour weeks, and they aren't overworked how I was overworked. I would tell you that I'm less exhausted but that isn't true right now."

I watch him chuckle as he focuses on the road ahead of him, "I'll make you dinner and then we can go to bed."

"Good plan." Although that is what my days consist of lately. Working, coming home and making dinner, showering, and getting right into bed. I thought the second trimester was supposed to be the easiest, and so far it has been, but I'm exhausted lately.

Keeping the waistband of my shorts below my stomach, I rub a dollop of lotion into my skin. I notice the stretch marks starting and a line down the middle of my belly starts to show. I was hoping to not have either during my pregnancy.

I have to remind myself that I'm literally making a human. I finish lotioning my body before picking up my towel and hanging it on the bathroom door. I pass Christian on my way into our bed, "Are you going to be long?"


I nod, plugging in my phone and putting on my glasses. I grab a pair of fuzzy socks and put them on. She kicks my side, "Would you quit kicking me like that?" I say quietly as I get into our bed.

I sit up against the pillows, keeping the comforter below my stomach. "She's active right now," I tell him.

I watch him smile as he comes out of the bathroom, "She."

He turns the overhead lights off before getting in bed. He kisses me, putting a hand on my stomach. I move his hand to where she is as he lays his head on my lap.

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