Chapter 52

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A.N. : Second last chapter :)

Dante's pov

After a long wait we finally reached the place where Crystal was held captive. I along with the cops got out of the car and started walking towards the building but the cop stopped me.

"Mr knight please don't come inside with us. This could be dangerous" He said to which I glared at him.

"My wife is in danger and you're asking me to stay here" I asked angrily.

"Mr knight please try to understand that this could be really dangerous for you and for mrs knight too. Trust me that mrs knight will be our first priority. We will save her at all the costs" He said to which I nodded.

"You guys stay here with Mr knight" The officer said to other people and went inside with his team.

I kept standing outside the building waiting for Crystal and her well being.

After almost five minutes the officer called one of his officer who was with me and informed him that Crystal has ran away just a few minutes back and asked him to search her.

Hearing this, I instantly started running behind the other guards who were searching Crystal but heard few gunshots which were firing inside the building but I cared less about that thing.

I kept running in different directions, shouting her name along with the cops who were also searching her.

Where are you, Crystal?

"Dante" Everything around me stopped when I heard that voice.

I heard the voice which I was dying to hear from the evening. Crystal.

I turned around to see her looking at me with tearful eyes. I smiled looking at her beautiful face to which she gave me a small smile too and that was the moment I realised that I not only love Crystal but I live her. She's not just my wife but she's my everything. She's the all I want and need and I'll always cherish her.

"Crystal" I whispered her name slowly and was about to run towards her but heard a loud gunshot from behind me and suddenly I saw Crystal's face turned pale. She looked like she was in pain.

"D-Dante" She whispered ever so softly and fell in the ground, clutching her stomach. My eyes went downstairs to see that blood was oozing from her stomach and once again everything around me stopped but this time, in pain and agony.

"Crystal" I yelled in fear and ran towards her and pulled her in my arms.

"Dante" She said my name slowly.

"Crystal. No please don't leave me, please" I yelled in panic when I saw her eyes closing.

"Sir we have to take her to the hospital" I heard someone's voice and nodded. I instantly stood up from my place and started following the cop towards the car.

"Crystal I won't let you go, I won't" I cried while running.

Soon we found our cars and I settled myself in back seat with Crystal while someone started the car.

"Crystal. Crystal please open your eyes, baby. I'm so sorry for being late but please don't give me this punishment" I cried, patting her cheek but got no response.

"Crystal please open your eyes" I cried when I saw that she was bleeding way too much.

I kept my hand on her stomach but that was of no use.

Soon we reached the hospital. I quickly got out of the car and started running towards the emergency section.

"Help" I yelled loudly when a group of nurse came towards me with a strecher. I laid Crystal there and pushed the stretcher.

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