1: Of torments and teacups

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"Pay attention to meee!" My great-grandfather Jakob whines, flicking my nose with his forefinger and pouting theatrically.

I close my eyes and sigh deeply, mentally counting to ten. I don't want to do something that I may or may not regret the next morning. Hex, he might even give up this time.

But there's no such luck today, I'm afraid. For a couple of blissful seconds, there is silence, and I slowly crack an eye open, letting myself believe that he has actually left me alone for once.

..Until I feel my long honey-colored hair lift up behind me, and a deceptively strong male hand gives it a hard yank.

I give a sharp yelp and swat him away. "Hey! Hands off of my hair, you crazy old man!"

He gives me as innocent a look as he can manage. "Me?"

I raise my eyebrow at him. "Do you see any other crazy old men about?"

He looks left and right, seemingly hopeful to find some evidence of another attention-starved relative of ours in the vicinity. Finding none, he rolls his eyes. "Now your grandfather-"

"-Don't you dare bring granddaddy Izaak into this! This is about you at the moment."

He smirks at me triumphantly. "And it's about time, too!"

I gape at him. "What? No!"

He chuckles gleefully. "Oh, yes. I do believe that I've won this round, dear Evelyn. You can attribute it to my natural brilliance in all things."

I stare at him levelly and flex my hand. "I once observed you pulling on a door that was clearly meant to be pushed."

Jakob shrugs, giving my hand a nervous glance. "I'm sure that it's happened to everyone at least once at some point in their lives."

"Yes, yes, of course." I hum. "And I'm sure that they all spent a further thirteen minutes trying to force it open the wrong way, as well."

Great-grandfather's face flushes. "Impertinence!" He screeches. "You saw my struggle, and yet you chose not to assist me?!!"

"I didn't think that I'd need to! You're a ghost, after all!" I fire back. "I assumed that you'd simply phase through the door, not have a fight with it!"

Jakob stares down at the ground in shame, looking redder than a tomatoberry. "I forgot." He mumbles.

"How do you forget that you're a ghost?!!"

"It's- Ooh... It's complicated." He grumbles. "This isn't the kind of attention I had in mind.."

"I told you earlier today, I'm going to that ball with Arissa. You know how Lord Lumos values me keeping his wild daughter in check."

Jakob snorts. "Fancy the offspring of such fine stock becoming friends with the daughter of a mere undertaker. I don't understand it."

"Maybe she likes me. Have you ever thought of that?"

"No, that can't be it." He suddenly brightens. "How about I join you two-"

"-NO!!!" I shout. "..I mean, that's very generous of you to offer, but no, thank you." I add firmly. "This is supposed to be our girl time."

Jakob guffaws. "I know that you care nothing for sure frivolous gaiety! You can't trick me! You just want to be rid of me!"

"For a change." I mutter. "Please leave me alone for a few hours, I'd greatly appreciate it."

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