Chapter 7: Arissa greatly exaggerates events

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With Lord Lumos sufficiently placated for the time being, we can all breathe a little easier.

As Mr. Jenkins and I step down from the cart with Jack's help, Arissa keeps her father at bay, loudly exchanging heated words with him.

Sorry, did I say exchange? I meant to say that Arissa is the one getting all fired up. Her father is simply her latest victim.

She recounts to him, in elaborate and colorful detail, the events leading up to our arrival at Town Hall, though she stretches things out of proportion at all of the relevant parts. She also leaves out the bits where she does questionable things in order to attract Jack's attention, but I'm not going to correct her. She scares me.

"..We get into a crash with two- No, three really big- Huge carriages!" Arissa explains enthusiastically, while her father gradually becomes less apathetic as her listens to her story unfold.

Make note of that. Story.

"..Then, our carriage suddenly erupts into flames! WHOOSH!!!" She shouts, gesturing madly about her. "Flames here, flames there, flames everywhere! The carriage becomes a burning, blazing deathtrap! The scent of fear and burning flesh is in the air! Terrified screams fill the night!" Here, she demonstrates with one of her own. "AAAAHH!!! Somebody save us! We're being burned aliiive!!!"

Several bespectacled faces peer out of the windows of the Town Hall in alarm, then recede when they realize that it's only Arissa. I notice a number of drapes and curtains being hastily drawn, while lantern lights wink out of existence, making the entire building appear deserted in a matter of moments.

Wise people.

"..So we're all horrified at the prospect of dying in the massive fireball-"

"-Your dress isn't even singed." Her father states abruptly. He raises an eyebrow at her, becoming unexpectedly suspicious. "How is that possible, pumpkin?"

"Uh- Uh!" She panics for a second upon hearing such an unforeseen question, but then composes herself almost immediately. "I.. Took great care to let only the bottom hem of my gown burn?" She answers, flashing him her most charming smile. "..By the way, you really need to find a better coach painter. Our transport caught on fire far too quickly for it to be considered a well-done job. It was mediocre, at best. At worst, it's swindling. If I were you, I'd sue him for fraud and... Hmm, what was the other thing called? The one with the endangerment charges? Hmph, no matter. Sue him for it."

"Of course, angel. I'll do that first thing in the morning." Lord Lumos responds soothingly.

Arissa slams her fist into her open palm. "No, even better! Isn't Judge Willis attending the ball this evening?"

"Yes, I do believe that he is."

"Excellent! He's a friend of yours, isn't he?"

"Naturally." Lord Lumos booms.

"There you are, then. You won't even need to pull any strings for this one!"

Arissa may oftentimes act like her head's full of fluff, but in reality, she's shrewd and savage.

That's why I like her.

Jack looks up at her with newfound respect. "Wow, she's so smart." He mumbles.

"Sometimes." I answer, snorting.

"Anyway," Arissa continues with her increasingly fanciful tale. "..There we are, waiting for help that may never arrive-"

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