Chapter 14: I get a really scary letter

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Anzu runs up to me and squawks, letting me know that he wants up onto my shoulder again. I absentmindedly comply as I will my sword to morph back into a dagger, stretching out an arm and huffing with surprise as he drops onto my shoulder, now a good deal heavier after his impromptu meal of giant horned beetle bits. He calmly begins grooming himself as I open the envelope with a good deal of trepidation.

Silver mistlike magic darts out from the ripped end of the envelope, hovering poised above it as I pull out the piece of parchment inside. The bewitched paper is blank, but as I unfold it, the silver fog descends upon it, with clearly legible words forming wherever it touches, like a pen to paper. I watch it wordlessly as it begins to inscribe the parchment.

For the Honorable Miss Evelyn Mortis,

The parchment reads. Me, honorable? I emit a shaky giggle. You must be joking. I gulp when I realize that whoever was watching me must already know my name. The enchanted tendrils steadily continue writing, and I shiver as I slide my gaze downwards, continuing to read the contents of the envelope with a feeling of mounting alarm.

..In light of witnessing tonight's most recent and highly irregular events, I would like to formally ask you to attend tomorrow's meeting of like-talented individuals. Because your extraordinary necromancy power is so rare, we feel that you would benefit greatly from the training programs that we have to offer on our grounds. They are custom tailored to suit the individual's unique skills and abilities, both in team and in singular combat settings, and will no doubt help you to expand your magical repertoire further than it has ever been before. Should you choose to agree to this arrangement, we will send someone your way to guide you to us. Don't bother to try to find us, for we will surely find you without fail.

With best regards,

Commander Vidalia,

Head Night Hunter, Central Mirian District, Division 1

I stiffen, a hand over my heart, barely able to breathe. No. The Hunters, they know?

Anzu picks up on my agitation, snapping his beak at the mist, which recoils from him for a second, and then strokes him on the head fondly. Anzu stretches up, allowing it to reach his softer chin and underbelly, rumbling with happiness as it tickles him gently.

"I-" I don't know what to do. Decline, and I can go back home and hopefully pretend that none of this has ever happened. Lupe promised that he wouldn't tell anyone about my powers, and, oddly enough, I believe him. Even that Healer had no idea what particular kind of magic I have, so he has no clue about any of this. I can just continue on with my life, and forget about all of this.

But if I accept, then I can learn everything that I've ever wanted to know about the Night Hunters. I'd satiate my curiosity, learn about new people and their powers. Perhaps I could even go on an exciting adventure or two along the way. Preferably without dying, though, if I can have the choice.

Oh, and the whole combat thing sounds fun, too.

The parchment quivers impatiently, and the mist taps me on the forehead, bidding me to watch it for a moment more. It dips down to the paper once again, a delicate ribbon writing with a beautiful cursive hand.

Please give us your answer, the Night Hunters urgently await your response.

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