Chapter 17: I meet my bunkmates from Hell

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I wander around the forest for a good few minutes more, (although it certainly feels like it's been much longer) when another messenger orb, this one a pretty shade of pale spring green, careens around a peeling silver birch tree and screeches to a halt before me. "Ah-ha! I knew that we were missing one more!" It hollers in a shrill female voice, rousing several noisy birds from their nests with her screaming. "I come round here to do my final check for stragglers, and what do I see? A poor lost soul wandering these humongous woods, all alone! That idiot Tim always leaves one behind for the wrong person, and I see that she hasn't done her job properly, either!" It then yabbers out a hasty apology, bowing to me in midair several times in its haste to soothe me.

"I'm also missing a pint-sized griffin chick. I don't suppose that you've seen any fearsome bewildered fowl on your way here?" I question it hopefully.

The ball tilts around, thinking. I watch it make one full revolution before it pauses breathlessly. "Hmm, no. I can't say that I have." It then straightens itself out. "..But I'm sure one of the bigger Hunter familiars will find it sooner or later. Who knows? They may not even eat your bird!"

"What?!" I admit that I momentarily panic a bit. "Please don't kill my baby!"

"I wouldn't dream of it!" It responds. "..But I can't speak for the others."

I glare at it, a wordless threat embedded in my gaze. "I appreciate that, but could you please just tell me where I'm supposed to go?" I ask.

The sphere revolves around to face me, now glowing a delighted lime color. It seems to be rather pleased with my request. "Oh, I can do better than that. I'll lead you there myself, straightaway!"

I chuckle. These things change moods even faster than my dear great-grandfather Jakob.

"Hurry up, hurry up! We don't have all day!" It flits around my head, nattering away as I obediently follow it.

Some time later, we emerge from the forest into a massive labyrinth of spacious clearings, wooden buildings, and milling people. So many people..

My eyes must be quite huge, because the sphere suddenly giggles, amused. "Yes, take it all in, my dear. This is going to be your new home for the foreseeable future." It states smugly, sounding very proud of its home base. I roll my eyes, but I have to admit that this beats the mental image I had of evil horned creatures whipping prospective people into shape in a shadowy underground dungeon.

"Wait here, the gathering should take place shortly." The orb instructs, instantly zipping away to yell at my failed helper. Tim shies far away from her, crying and screaming ridiculous excuses for his terribly rude behavior with me back at her.

"May I have your attention, please." A magically amplified voice blares loudly throughout the entire vicinity, and I notice many young heads immediately snap to attention. "We will have all of the new Night Hunter candidates assemble in the main clearing." Then there's a burst of sporadic static, and some rapid scuffling sounds. A new, more nasally voice hastily replaces the first one, then begins languidly rolling his words out over the system.

"Of course, what this idiot conveniently forgot to mention is that you newbies probably have no idea where 'the main clearing' is, so let me just quickly explain to you. It's the one where you all just got dumped. Thank you and have a most terrible day." He then grunts with extreme effort, and a struggle for control is suddenly evident once more on the other end of the line.

The owner of the first voice presumably snatches the apparatus away from the second, because he begins speaking again breathlessly into the magic mike. "Grim! Don't interrupt! You're being an ass again!" An offended snort greets his words, and the man's voice sighs in exhaustion. "You new people, please just.. Oh, just stay put." He barks. "I'll come out to greet you myself."

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