Chapter 15: I have to face my mother's wrath, or so I think

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We reappear in the woods, straight into the path of an ugly, scarred, slavering red-eyed wolf. (Coincidentally, I instantly think of Lupe.)  Anzu screeches a warning as its massive jaws open wide, about to take a bite out of the Porter's backside, who screams a high-pitched scream when he notices it looming behind him.

Jack immediately leans out of the cart. "HEY!" He shouts at the lupine, banging his fist on the side of the wagon to attract its attention.

The wolf, evidently recognizing him from some previous near-death encounter, takes one look at the young man's giant hulking frame and yelps in terror, tucking its tail between its legs and running far away. Jack sits back down and pulls out a flask of water from underneath his bench, yanking out the stopper as he tilts his head back, calmly taking a sip.

Arissa claps her hands together gleefully. "That's my man! That's my Jack! Isn't he some absolutely wonderful husband material, papa?"


"Oh, just think of how well he could protect me from, well, just about anything." Arissa adds slyly, her eyes narrowing as she watches her father squirm in discomfort. "..He'd be sure to keep me out of my usual mischief, even."

Lord Lumos immediately turns to Jack. "Please marry my daughter. Right this instant."

Jack spits out his mouthful of water and chokes.

"B-but, papa," Arissa flutters her hand over her mouth, obviously feigning shock again. "I thought that you said that we should wait to get mar-"

"-I CAN CHANGE MY MIND IF I WANT TO, GIRL!!!" He barks back at her, mopping at his brow with a sparkling golden handkerchief and wheezing under the mental strain of trying to keep up with his daughter.

Jack quickly vaults out of the wagon and makes his escape. "Uh, I'd like to get to know you folks better first, but maybe some other day. Um, see you soon, then. Bye!" He flees into his cottage and slams the door closed shut behind him. Dewdrop and Mina whinny after him in distress, straining at the reins until they finally snap. Then they, too, quickly retreat into their shed before somebody makes them do any more work.

"Oh, pooh, papa. Now look at what you've done. You've scared him off of me for something like two seconds." Arissa purses her lips at her father in anguish. "Your only hope for Lordly offspring, GONE!!!" Arissa screams her last word at him in an overly dramatic manner. "Don't you want to live long enough to become a grandfather?!! Or do you just want to live and die mostly alone, like Evvy will most definitely do here?!!"

"HEY!!!" I protest sharply.

"Yes, I'm savage, I know." Arissa declares proudly. "But at least I know how to act around boys."

"You act desperate." I sigh.

"And it works, now, doesn't it?!!"

"Your poor boy can't handle the pressure that you create for him."

"My darling Evvy, like I've mentioned to you before, my Jack is most clearly a man. He is a delicious, buff, beefy, succulent morsel of a man."

"You sound like you're planning a dinner menu." I scoff.

Arissa slowly licks her lips, her eyes giving off a slight predatory gleam in the night. "Oh, I already am. My wedding dinner." She cackles and rubs her dainty palms together in anticipation. "And oh, how I shall feast on that night." Her polished white teeth glow evilly in the swinging lamplight as it illuminates our silhouettes, making her appear even more diabolical than before.

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