Brothers forever...right?

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"Hey Dixie! What do you think we're going to do when we're older? Do you think we'll be as powerful as dad one day?" The colony asked his brother, they were sitting in a field surrounded by grass as green as emeralds and flowers more colorful than rainbows. A light breeze dancing around them and letting the blades of grass move to the sounds of the birds music.

"...I don't know, maybe but if we do I wanna be by your side when it happens that's for sure!"

"Of course! We'll be the most powerful brothers to ever have existed and if one of us goes down the other will pull them back up. We'll be forever together!" Dixie nodded in agreement and snickered as thirteen giggled in excitement. A few moments later they were rolling around on the floor laughing their asses off triggering each other as the damp ground around then hugged them warmly and embraced their childish wishes and behavior. As they say, you must protect childhood dreams or they'll vanish far too quick and never be made again.


It was over. The revolution had been won and Abe they were free. The grass around them bloodied and burnt but that didn't matter right now, France was standing with open arms, kingdom of Spain had a gun to Britains head as he held a white flag high in the air in resignation. They had done it. Both of them ran into Frances arms, crying in relief, the tortuous war was over and they had gained their freedom.

Spain took off the trivial matters with Britain as the two Americans pranced around the field joyously. They were free and everything was going to be ok now.


"No!" The southern glared at him across the table displeased. "We are not allowing slavery, I don't care how poor we are, I refuse to stoop that low." So what if they were going through a major financial crisis, they had just become a country of course everything wasn't going to be perfect! Dixie huffed and refused to look at his brother, all he'd wanted to do was help and he'd found a way to so why was his brother denying him?! It was a good idea, quick and easy for money that they desperately needed.

" Look... I love you brother, I really do, but...that's too far. I care about my people and you should too, remember what dad always said? ' The more your people believe in you the more they'll support you and your choices.' Those are still people, our people , and we need to give them hope for the future of the country wet want to become."

With a disgruntled sigh and a very unhappy scowl in his face, CSA stood up and marched right out of the door, leaving USA to his thoughts. He collapsed slightly on the desk, he was exhausted and all he wanted to do was ignore his problems and duties but they had come so far, fought so hard , it'd be a waste to give up now.

The grass was no longer the vibrant green, it was a stale grayish-green that made you sick your senses when you saw it. Especially knowing how beautiful it once was and how it bloomed in happiness. Now it was fading, the color slowly draining from it like the life draining out of a dead corpse in the battle field.


The world around them came to a stop as USA cocked a gun to CSA's head, silence remembered as Dixie's heavy heading was the only thing to be heard, back pushed against the floor and thirteen standing on top of him, aiming the gun right between his eyebrows. All CSA felt was resentment towards his twin, pure hatred grabbing his features as he said his final words.

"I promise you thirteen, I will make you regret this day every second of your life." Despite all the anger the floored twin held, the standing one only has a look of remorse and sadness as he says his final words to his beloved brother.

"I'm sorry, brother..." the words were a mere whisper on his lips as he pulled the trigger and the gun went off, hitting his twin brother right in the center of the head, killing him immediately.

He held his brothers corpse for a long time after that, no real ability to tell how long he'd been sat there, grieving the death of his loved one that he had caused, he had dealt with his own hand.

The field of grass had no color left, it was a colorless gray swaying the wind, all the flowers disheveled and dead as a sad silence covered the whole of the country in a blanket of broken comfort...


Nowadays whenever he'd visit the field it never ended very well. There were too many memories that'd set his mind into overdrive and trigger a panic attack. Or, on days he wasn't so lucky, his brother's ghost (demon) would come out -whether actually come out and talk (torment) or simply a hallucination his brain has created- and belittle him and remind him that it was his fault . That the reason he was gone now was because of him.

The grass was black and charred, tainted with their sorrow and blood, the passionate fire of hatred CSA held for his brother burning everything near him and rendering it all unlovable. " Just like y-y-you~" he'd remind and then vanish once more into thin air. In the end, no matter what he said or did, or how he acted, he still did care for his brother and regretted his decision every eternity.

" I'm sorry..."

Dixie DilemmaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang