Possession is a Process, Pick a Pansy to Place at your Grave.

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It's short but, BUT, it's only been like two days so enjoy!!!

Jewel posting twice in a week? Unheard of! /j

Also I win the bet @RiverTheIdiot ! (I think that was the fastest I've ever written a chapter before for any fanfiction!) Btw shoutout to them, they motivated me to update and are very fun to talk to!


"Did you miss me, brother?"

Various gasps of shock came from the surrounding group, more tears fell from the distraught Canadian as he took a shaky step back. There was so much going on, so many things happening but he couldn't focus on anything, he didn't understand.

"I-I'm not..- Y-you're not-" it simply laughed again, reveling in the fear from the other nations as they fell into disorder and chaos, no one knew what to do with the new knowledge.

"Oh but I am! Tell me, did my dear brother tell you what really happened? The real reason as to why everything was happening?" Tears never stopped falling as the Canadian fearfully shook his head, what did he mean by the truth?! Sure he has a feeling his brother hasn't been telling the full truth but what this-this demon was suggesting was that it was important , and he hadn't known.

He hadn't been told.

He wasn't trusted enough to tell.

Something deep in his heart shattered at the thought, breaking into a thousand shards as he tried to stop the more violent sobs from escaping him.

The demon possessing his brother tilted its head, its smile only seemingly growing as if it knew something no one else did, and well...it did. And what that a terrifying thought? If it had access to all the of American's memories and thoughts and secrets it could ruin everything they had worked to keep under wraps.

Fear wracked through him in the form of a shiver, deep rooted and knowing . Everything they'd been working for could be ruined in seconds.

"No don't worry brother , I won't spoil that surprise, that's maybe for another time, I'm talking about the tears." A horrible feeling of intrigue sparked in his gut though it quickly mixed with heavy horror that his brothers secret would be exposed to every. single. nation.

"Mate...What is he it talking about..?" UK, apparently finally having been knocked out of his shocked trance, tentatively asked as though saying the wrong thing would have something similar happened to him.

Canada didn't hear him, too busy trying to figure out some way to de-escalate this situation as quickly as possible before covering his brother didn't want revealed was.

Apparently the demon seemed to be offended by the Britains comment as he loudly gasped in offense, "What do you mean by IT?! I am not an it !" Everyone turned to face it him in bewilderment (I mean imagine what a mood breaker that would be? Like a demon possessed your friend/sibling and is being all scary and shit and breaks the mood by scratching they aren't an it when you use the wrong pronouns-though imagine being called an it!-) as he shrieked in annoyance, horns protruding further from the -previously a- nation with a sickening shred that makes them all wince when more blood runs down his forehead.

" Anyways, didn't you ever wonder why his tears became obsidian goo or why he wore glasses (that will not be addressed in this fanfic, it'll be in like- the next one so stick around for that ig) ? Surely you of all people would've wanted to know? ' Brothers tell each other everything' right? It- Ahaha, it makes me want to laugh!"

Another piece of his heart broke, shards stabbing him with phantom pain of a once treasured promise. Blinking away the tears he shook his head desperately, he refused to believe his brother had broken that promise.

"N-no! The America I know wouldn't do that! He wouldn't go back on a promise, he said s-so! ...would he..?" The demon chuckled again, it was evil and lacked humor, his dull gray eyes full of mock pity as he bent down, hands resting on 'his' jeans as he towered over the trembling nation -in the back of his mind he questioned when he'd fallen to the floor-.

"Oh wouldn't you know? What a shame too, you were one of the bearable ones..." Red eyes snapped up to stare at gray ones -when had they moved to stare at the floor- in shock and fear as he tried to understand what the demon meant.

A moment of realization hit him as another off piece of the puzzle appeared, "H-how do you know w-what I'm like..? You n-never met me when you were... aliv-'' several more gasps of shock came from the surrounding nations add the demon cut him off, talons that were typically hidden gripping hard at his cheeks -he wouldn't be surprised if he began to bleed with how forceful it was.

(If anyone off wondering cause it didn't make sense he covered his mouth with his hand and his nails-talons- are gripping the edge of his cheeks-near his hair- cause I know how annoying it is when you don't understand an action)

" Do not. " The Canadian quickly shut up and after a moment of consideration pulled his hand away, wiping it off on his pants as he took a step back looking mildly annoyed with the circumstances.

"Well, not at all a pleasure meeting you New France, " Canada cringed hard at the use of his old name, it brought back a few too many memories, "and to everyone else, on behalf of the too many hours of watching from 'America', Fuck You . " Smiling to himself he turned to leave just as a resounding whack echoed through the silent room, the demon possessing nations eyes rolled to the back of his head before he crumpled to the floor unconscious.

Everyone turned to see Japan holding a chair in the air -that they had presumably used to knock out the demon- still in a state of partial shock, glancing between the metal chair and the padded out 'nation'.



Guess what's getting closer??? The main climax scene!!!!! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO excited to write it (it's like partially the entire reason I've created this story)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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