A Deal with the Devil

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So I'm sorta back? Take this chapter as compensation for my...disappearance. Anyways I wine made it longer but this felt like a perfect place to stop and it took way too long for just this. Help.


Now he should've expected there were going to be questions but he hadn't expected... this .

"I'm...sorry? Did you just ask me..." he felt as bewildered as he probably looked, eyes widened and confused beyond belief. If anything, the few other countries that surrounded him were even more-so.

"Japan asked you if you were okay. Are you really that dense that you can not understand such a simple question?" UK watched unamusedly, eyebrow raised as he deadpanned.

"No I- i understand the question but...huh? What? Like, why?" Germany squinted, eyes calculating and suspicious, suddenly he felt like someone had stopped him bare, vulnerability began to sweep through his mask as they looked past his act. It was the first time in a while anything like that had happened, he wasn't sure if he appreciated or despised it.

On one hand it was nice to have them ¿care? about him, on the others it was disturbing and a drastic change in attitude.

"Maybe because you ran out of the meeting and came back looking like you'd just had to kill someone's sibling as they watched." He flinched minutely at the mention and prayed no one saw it.

"Okay first of all, why is that so oddly specific? Second, no just...it's nothing. Something personal came up, it's fine. I'm fine." A few worrying glances were passed between some of the others but he posted it no mind.

"I have to go, sorry!" He dashed out of the meeting room as quickly as possible, the hallways lined with minimal countries were barely registered as he quickly walked. He could feel the stares and glances thrown his way but kept his eyes trained on the floor as he continued walking.

Muttering a few curses he glared out of the corner of his eye, a sly grin floating in the air as he sped up his pace. Once in the car his shoulders fell, feeling like a million pounds had been taken off them, a tired sigh emptying in the otherwise silent vehicle.

"You'll have to tell them..."

A whisper against his ear, like someone had blown directly into it, jolted him back to reality, exhaustion melting away quickly to be replaced with shock and minor fear.

He dragged a hand down his face tiredly, he didn't have the energy to deal with his brother twice in one day, give him a break already geez.

"I'm going to warn you now, I'm not dealing with you right now so go away. Also, unless you want us to both crash and then neither of us have a body I'd recommend not trying to possess or annoy me in the middle of driving." All he got was a disappointed grunt but nothing else. At least...for a good 30 seconds before it was back to the insistent nagging.

"I mean...it would do my job for me right? I wouldn't half to really work for it at all and you'd be heavily injured. Surely you don't think you could take me in that state?" The quiet rumble of engine and soft tune from the radio filling the tense silence.

"From what I've seen you're more than happy to do it the hard way by torturing me, besides in the middle of a meeting, are you fucking serious ?! You could've gotten us both caught!" He hissed through his teeth as he turned the steering wheel, maybe it wasn't the best idea to be driving while in his -literal- head but he never really was one for good ideas.

"But it was so funny! Besides~" he could practically imagine the other with his feet kicked in the air, arms behind his head, leaning back on a nonexistent chair and rolling his eyes.

"If you really think about it, I could've destroyed everything you've done so far. All your progress gone in seconds had I managed to keep my control no thanks to you." Every thought in his head was put on pause as he registered the statement, he couldn't do that...could he?


"You wouldn't..." he was really hoping he was calling a bluff, that Dixie wouldn't actually ruin everything he'd worked for...right?

"I don't know, would I? You ruined everything I worked for by killing me, what makes you think I wouldn't do the same?" Sometimes he forgot his thoughts could be seen by both, it definitely spooked him in the off occasion the other would comment on something he'd been thinking.

"That's-that's different ." He tried to make his voice as firm as possible but it wavered as tears threatened to spill from his eyes and blurring his vision, this had to be breaking a road safety law.

" You were doing something bad, I am trying to help the world." He could hear the grin that split the other's face at that moment, feel it spread so wide his cheeks would've hurt, see it reflecting in his windshield as he tried to focus on the road ahead.

"Really? I had no clue, I thought you were following in my footsteps you know? Because I'm sure very little would agree with your statement." He remained silent, eyes intent on focusing on the road ahead, his whole body was stiff but he refused to be caught off guard by his counterpart.

"Doesn't that hero complex get boring? I mean, trying to save people but only making their lives like-ten times worse in the long run." The teasing words were sharp, stabbing into him like swords as they struck him right in the heart. A little too close to reality...

"Like- everyone you've tried to help out of the fellow countries has lost or almost died or ended up fighting you." He wanted to dismiss it, like he did with anything the ghost said, but the layer of truth that coated it sunk into his skin.

"C'mon, don't you ever want to just take a break from everything? If you let me take control I could take care of everything, let you relax while I do the work.

He almost fell for it, almost , and if it weren't for the bumps in the road holding him awake and the darkness still partially surrounding one of his eyes he probably would've accepted. Briefly he felt like he would've been making a deal with the devil.

"I'm not falling for it Dixie , and stop making me try to crash, we both know how that would end." He can practically hear the eye roll and annoyed sigh at the rejection of his deal. They've likely had that exact conversation thousands of times before.

They make it home in one piece (hallelujah) and America practically faceplants onto his bed, zero regard for anything but the comfort of his sheets pulling him to sleep like a zombie.

On the brink of blacking out he feels it. It's small and nigh noticeable, a small thing coiling in the back of his mind, growing slowly as it encompasses his nervous system, setting his body ablaze.

A pained shock wracked through his unconscious body, a silent scream dying in his tongue. 



I am making no promises for the next chapter but I'll try (keyword-try) to not take...two months this time :D

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