Restraints of the voids mind...

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You as I said in my other fic sorry for taking so long! Hope you enjoy this chapter that I didn't even realize was so much longer than I thought it would be but I hope you guys like it!


He'd been in another meeting when disaster struck, his attention had been dwindling, the presentation quickly becoming uninteresting upon not including him, when he'd shut his eyes for a few moments. Unfortunately that had been the worst possible idea he'd ever had.

When he opened them he began to feel it, there was a specific sensation that he felt when his eyes began to switch and he knew as soon as it was done the goo what begin to gush out -he wasn't looking forward to explaining that (though if he could help it it wouldn't happen period. )-, his vision in his right eye beginning to darken at the edges.

Panicking he glanced around rapidly searching for a clock, after so many years of it happening he'd found the pattern it typically more or less followed, he knew he didn't have much time before it began. Finally locating one he poured his entire attention and -good- eye(s) into calculating how much time he had left. The arms signified there was at least thirty minutes left in the meeting and he had about three if he was lucky.

Fear rushed flooded his body, the vision in his eyes quickly deteriorating as he tried to act as normal as possible so as not to give away the internal panic attack he was currently going through. He wracked his mind as quickly as possible in search of a solution, he could tell his brother and maybe he'd find a way to help, or he could excuse himself to the bathroom and wait for it to pass. The downside with the first option was he'd actually have to ask for help, the only downside with the second one was no matter how long he'd been having these "episodes" the time it took to get rid of it ranged greatly every time, plus it would probably dirty his clothes and explaining that would almost be worse in his opinion was almost worse.

Weighing his options he decided in the second, he'd figure something out as an excuse later right now he needed to get away as fast as possible. Standing abruptly he muttered a quiet apology and "bathroom" before leaving the room as quickly as possible, leaving a room of confused countries stare at the door behind him in minor shock.

As soon as he was out of sight he began sprinting away, set on not losing his balance and keeping his eye shut as much as possible. The cooler he got the worse the sensation got, he barely managed to shut the door behind him before his vision blacked out and he slumped against the door motionless.


It wasn't so much that he was surprised when he awoke, more so... panicked. After his last encounter with the other he was hoping he didn't end up dying again -he later would wish he had-.

He was still in a dark void however this time there was some sort of floating screen that Dixie stood in front of, the edges were frayed and no matter how much he focused he couldn't identify them, almost as though they blurred or glitched themselves out so as to be unable to tell where it began and end.

He tried to move, take a step but his body wouldn't let him, confused he glanced down only to see his wrists and ankles seemingly consumed by the void, it held him back and was strong, no matter how much it appeared to be similar to air.

Annoyed and brain full of even more questions he attempted to voice his confusion only to find her equally couldn't talk. He wasn't sure what emotions filled him, he felt like the logical reaction would've been fear and confusion then perhaps anger but no matter how hard he tried to understand it felt like a muddled useless mess.

The "screen" flickered to life, catching his attention as he shifted his gaze to it, after a bit off silence and continued grayness the image changed, he saw a bathroom, more specifically, the bathroom he was in mere moments ago, the UN meeting bathrooms.

Dixie DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now