Shadow deaths can still feel real

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Heyyyyyyyyyy soooo sorry I've been MIA, I was super busy there last two weeks and this chapter was annoying to write but it's double so enjoy ig

chapter based off:


That night America dreamt, it was a strange dream though.


It was dark, practically a black void that surrounded him. There was nothing else but him and it freaked him out, he didn't know what was happening and was getting worried. With no sense of time he had no idea how long it had been that he'd just been wandering around the empty darkness but it plagued him and made him uncomfortable.

It felt like he was trapped in his mind and he didn't like that thought. On one hand there were no thoughts constantly attacking his poor mental health, on the other hand though...he couldnt hear his "brother". There was no voice, no absolutely unbearable insults and annoying quips about useless things that bothered him constantly.

It may have felt like a blessing to anyone else but to him he was worried, extremely worried. Yes, partly for his brother as a "person", but mainly for his brother as a half dead evil country that could potentially have figured out a way to get out of his mind. That was what scared him.

Taking a few breaths he steadied his breathing and looked around again, there was a high chance he was in a dream and all that mattered was that he got out of it. So far nothing bad has happened yet but that only helped so much as the thoughts of what could happen continued attacking him as he took a seat on the ¿floor? of the void and attempted to calm down.

Right now he just needed to calm down and wait the dream out and then he'd wake up and everything would be alright. There was absolutely no reason to panic.

Or at least until he heard a noise behind him and when he turned around he saw his brother, standing in all his glory, before him with a wicked smile on his face. "Boo~" practically jumping out of his skin he backed away slowly, only when he turned around there was nothing behind him, only the deep void staring back with lifeless eyes.

A guttural sound escaped him as he heard a screeching a little far into the distance, as though someone had put a microphone next to dragging their nails down a chalkboard. His mind blanked at that exact moment, the sound was too common, too well known, too easy to remember.

He pushed back the painful memories bubbling up as he let his reflexes take actions, his feet began moving without his permission as he scrambled away, running in no real direction, he didn't know where or how long he'd have to run but anything to get rid of the high pitched screeching that rang through his ears. He couldn't get away, no matter what direction he thought he went in, it stayed the same, it followed him, hidden by the darkness as he ran desperately.

His breath was labored and his heart was beating too fast, too hard, in his chest and everything was weird. Suddenly he felt a dark presence behind him but he couldn't turn around, he couldn't move, his body paralyzed to where he was stuck in the vast darkness. He wasn't sure if he couldn't or could see, the void messing with his depth and reality perception. It was strange he couldn't see anything yet he could see everything, it messed with his mind and played tricks on his eyes as they dated around anxiously.

Before he could react he felt it, a blanketing sensation of comfort yet peril, nostalgia and fear moved together. It was only a split second but as soon as it passed he grabbed his head, it was pulsing, as though any second it would explode, and the feeling of imaginary needles pressed into his skull as he screamed silently.

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