Chapter 1

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Persephone Jackson was not your average mortal. In fact, she was not even a mortal. She had fought in two wars. And she was granted immortality after the Second Giant War along with her friends Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel and Nico.

She was tired of everything. The wars, the death of her friends and other unnamed campers, her unexpected fall into Tartarus.

She just wanted a normal life. Or as normal as life can be for an immortal demigoddess. At least, there wouldn't be anymore getting involved in prophecies to save the world.

She decided to enroll in high school to finish her senior year and move into a public school in a small town where she wouldn't get kicked out of school somewhere far away from New York.

"Did you make a decision yet, dear?" Percy's mom, Sally asked.

"I'm thinking about it," Percy replied. "I really want to stay at camp but I also miss you and Paul very much. If you're not gonna stay in New York I want to come with you."

She was getting emotional. She couldn't stand the thought of being separated from her mom and stepdad again. Two wars were enough for any girl.

Percy made a decision. "I'm coming with you, mom."

Her mother's smile lit up her eyes. "Oh, Percy..." She couldn't say anything else. She went over to her daughter and hugged her fiercely.

"We're here," Sally announced, as they pulled up in front of a beautiful house with a garden.

"Wow," Percy sighed in appreciation. "It looks like something out of a movie."

Sally and Paul shared a smile, glad to know that Percy liked the house.

Inside, the walls were painted a soothing green color. The floor was wooden. The furniture was already arranged and Percy liked that they had used all the stuff from her old apartment instead of buying new ones.

Her room was painted blue: her favorite color. It had a nice, comfy atmosphere. Percy loved it.

She then went out into the backyard. As soon as she stepped out, a chill ran down her spine. The air around her seemed to electrify and the hair on her arms stood on the end. Monsters. She waited for something to come out of nowhere and attack her, but nothing was there.

After Tartarus, all the places she went to seemed to be monster-infested. Even camp. Nico had called it post-Tartarus syndrome - a term she was sure he invented.

But even after she convinced herself she was being paranoid, the air still seemed to be heavy with the presence of the supernatural.

She heard the sound of someone coming and looked up to see her mother. Percy watched her, looking lost in thought.

The older woman noticed the expression on Percy's face. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, mom, everything's fine." She forced a smile onto her face.

"Okay, if you say so," said Sally, not looking convinced.

Just then, they heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it," Percy said, walking into the house. She walked towards the door, adjusting her hair as she went and opened the door.

A man stood outside; dark hair and icy blue eyes, with high cheekbones and a solid jawline. His body was athletic. He was very handsome. He seemed to be in his mid-twenties. The smile on his face screamed trouble.

"Hi," he said, before Percy could get a word out. "You're new in town, right? I'm Damon Salvatore. My brother and I live next door."

"Pleasure to meet you, Damon. I'm Percy. Percy Jackson."

He held out his hand for her to shake. The second she took it, she knew. He was a vampire. She didn't know whether to be angry, or be frustrated that she had to live next door to a couple of vampires-she was sure his brother was one too-they were mortal monsters. Not exactly from her world.  She couldn't understand how someone could look so human-like and still be a monster.

She wasn't going to invite him in, she was sure he was looking for an excuse to come in.

She was shook out of her thoughts by Damon asking, "So where are you from?"

"I'm from New York," she found herself replying.

"New York, huh?" Damon smirked. "I lived there for a few months before coming back here. This is my hometown."

He seemed so nice... it bothered her that he couldn't find out that she was a demigod. Most monsters would know within seconds, but maybe that was not the case with mortal monsters.

"Which part of New York did you live in?" She couldn't help asking.

A secretive smile pulled at his face. "Oh, all parts of it, actually. What about you?"

"Same. Though I spent my summers in Long Island." Camp Half-Blood, she thought to herself.

Damon crossed his arms and leaned against the porch. "Are you enjoying Mystic Falls?"

"Yeah," she replied, her eyes boring into his. "From what I've seen the town seems very... normal. Nothing much happens here, huh?" Her eyes hinted that she knew what he was, but he didn't seem to catch on.

"You have no idea," he said with a smile that said he knew something she didn't. But what he didn't know was she was far from normal.

"Why don't you show me, then?" she asked, wanting to know more about the supernatural in this town. Now that she was confident monsters wouldn't attack her, she was willing to let loose and learn more about the town she was going to call home.

"Of course, I'd love to show you around," said Damon with a seductive smile. "I could make this normal, boring town seem like the most exciting place in the world."

His charm would have worked on anyone but she knew better. He wanted to drink her blood. Heh, he could try, she thought and a snort escaped her.

Damon frowned. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," Percy lied. "Just the thought that someone could make this town seem exciting. I mean, I don't believe you can."

"Is that a challenge?" Damon asked.

"It certainly is."

"Oh, you're on."

Percy just smirked in response.

Damon moved towards the door and stopped as if he'd hit an invisible barrier. He sighed and leaned against the door. "So when should I pick you up?"

"Six o' clock?" asked Percy.

He shrugged. "Works for me. See you then."

She nodded. "Bye."

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