Chapter 22

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Percy wasn't really eager to execute Annabeth's plan. It involved having Elijah compel Damon to forget what she had told him about their world. Of course, to do that she needed Elijah to trust her, or at least be friends with her. It was a given that the Originals knew of the Greek gods, as they had lived for a thousand years.

Damon, meanwhile had informed her that John Gilbert had given him a silver dagger, which when dipped in white oak ash would kill an Original.

Annabeth had informed her about this dagger, and she knew that the dagger would only work if left inside after stabbing, and that any vampire who tried to use the dagger would die. She told the latter information to Damon, as even though she didn't trust him she didn't want to see him dead.

"You can't use the dagger yourself," she had warned him. "It'll kill you. Only a human or another Original can use it."

"And that bastard decided not to mention this. He would've been glad to see me die," Damon had replied angrily.

Later that day, Percy learnt from her mother that a certain suit-wearing gentleman had requested to meet her. As much as Percy wasn't excited to meet the Original, she knew that she had to get his help, in order for Annabeth's plan to work.

She went into the backyard, choosing to lounge around until Elijah - who she was sure would know where she was with the help of some witchy locator spell - decided to show up.

Another half hour had passed when the green-eyed girl got the feeling that she was being watched.

Percy held back a smile. "It's awfully impolite to spy on a teenage girl. Care to show yourself, Elijah?"

The newcomer inclined his head in acceptance as he approached. "Persephone Jackson. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you properly, as the last time we met was under certain... circumstances which did not allow me to introduce myself."

The demigoddess smirked. "Circumstances meaning you ripped out the hearts of two vampires and sped off without a second glance?"

Elijah smiled at that. "I am sorry you had to see that. I could not have them reporting back to Klaus about the doppelgänger."

Percy shrugged. "Eh. I've seen worse."


"So what is it that you want?" Percy asked, curious as to why Elijah wanted to see her.

"I need a favor."

Percy grinned at him, like his request amused her. "What favor would an Original need from a nineteen year-old girl?"

"A nineteen year-old demigod," corrected Elijah, "who has saved the world twice, if what I've heard is true."

"Touché. What do you need?"

"I suppose you've heard of my brother, Klaus?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Well, do you know he's a hybrid?"

"As in part vampire and part...?"

"Werewolf," said Elijah. "But the werewolf side of him is not activated."

"What do you mean?" Percy questioned.

"There's been a curse placed on him to suppress his werewolf side, as he was born of an affair between our mother..."

"And a werewolf," Percy finished.

"Yes. Klaus has been trying to break the curse for more than thousand years."

"But I thought he was trying to break the sun and moon curse..." The raven-haired girl trailed off as she realized what Elijah was saying. "Which is a fake."


"And you're telling me all this because...?"

Elijah sighed. "That is the tricky part. I need your help."

"Uh, you said that already. With what?"

"Let me tell you, my brother, Niklaus often struck down those that opposed him." Elijah's voice was devoid of emotions. "No matter how close to him they were."

The demigoddess had an idea of where this was going. Having heard similar stories in the Greek not-so-myths, she was pretty sure Klaus had done something to his family. Probably his other siblings.

"What did he do?" she asked.

"The ocean." Elijah's voice was soft. "He buried them there. My siblings."

There was a long pause where both of them remained quiet, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

The horror of the situation reminded her of her own godly family and the kind of punishment they had for each other.

She didn't know what to tell him, what to feel, as the idea of someone apart from the gods doing such things was unimaginable, at least to her.

"I'm sorry," Percy said, at last, breaking the silence.

The pressure in certain parts of the ocean was too much that it could destroy a human body, easily. As much as the vampires were immortal, their bodies were not.

"Will you help me find them?"

Percy couldn't help thinking that unless Elijah had a way of resurrecting them into different bodies, he wanted her to find their bodies only for a proper burial.

"I know I'm asking much of you," continued Elijah, noticing Percy's hesitancy, "I don't know where they are-" He was speaking in a whisper, and when he looked at her, she could see all the pain he'd been holding onto.

"I'll help you." Percy surprised herself saying that, seeing that Elijah didn't know the exact location, and it sounded difficult, even for the daughter of the Sea God.

"You will?" The Original's eyes now shone with the tiniest bit of hope.

"Yeah. I'll find them." Her mind was already starting to form potential plans. She became more confident in helping Elijah out. After all, it was her domain. If she couldn't get them out, no one could.

An idea was beginning to take shape in her mind. It involved getting help from the deities in her father's realm. If she wanted Elijah's help, the least she could do was help him in return.

"Well, we can discuss more about this tomorrow," said Percy, stifling a yawn. "It's getting late."

Elijah nodded. "Good night, Miss Jackson." He hesitated a bit before adding, "And thank you."

"Good night. And please call me Percy." She added, laughing. "Miss Jackson makes it sound like I'm older than forty."

"Of course. Good night, Percy."

Author's note:
Hey, you guys! I'm back with a new chapter. Sorry for the long wait. I was a bit busy with exams. I'll try to update more often! Vote and comment, guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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