Chapter 20

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"Are you okay?" Percy asked Damon, after going a long time without either of them saying a word. They were sitting at a table in the Grill, plates of burgers and fries in front of them, but neither of them actually eating anything.

Damon didn't answer her, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

"Sorry, that was a stupid question." Percy looked embarrassed.

"I can't believe I killed her." Damon's words surprised her.

"You did it to take away her pain," said Percy, placing her hand over his. "She was already dying. There was nothing you could have done for her."

Damon's eyes hardened. "Anyway, I'm fine now. Can we talk about something else?"

"Okay, okay," Percy relented. But she couldn't think of a single thing to tell him, so she remained silent for a while, manipulating the moisture in the air to form little drops of water and aiming them at Damon's head.

"How do you do that?"

Percy glanced at him, wondering how to answer. "I told you I can manipulate water." She'd been repeating these same words to him whenever he asked. It was not a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.

"You are a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a question mark. I can't even begin to figure you out. You can fight with a sword, you can speak unrecognizable languages, you have a pet hellhound, you can talk to horses and Pegasi. I'm still getting over the fact that those creatures exist. You can manipulate water." He paused, as if waiting to see if she would give an explanation. Seeing that she made no move to answer it, he continued, "You're not gonna tell me, are you?"

Percy frowned at his words. Maybe I should just tell him. I trust him. So what's the harm, anyways? "I'd rather you find out by yourself. But I will give you hints."

Damon's interest was peaked. "That sounds intriguing."

Percy gave him her famous "troublemaker smile". "Do you remember what I said about Greek gods?"

Damon nodded, not sure as to where she was going with this. "You said you believed that they exist."

"Well, I'm living proof of it." Percy knew she'd said that she would give him hints, but this was no hint. If it was, it was a very obvious one.

The vampire laughed. "What, you're the goddess Persephone?"

"First: I'm surprised that you even know who that is. And second: very funny. I'm not a goddess. Well, technically, I'm half goddess."

Damon looked like she had dropped a bombshell on him, which she definitely had. "So you're half-god and half-human."

"Demigod is the official term. Also half-blood."

"The world just keeps getting weirder, the longer you live," said Damon, shaking his head.

"You just described the entire life of a demigod," said Percy, grinning.

"So who's your godly parent?"

"Poseidon, god of the sea. One of the Big Three."

"Wow. That makes sense, as you're able to manipulate water. Can you breathe underwater?"

"Of course, I can," Percy scoffed. "But I no longer need to breathe, seeing as I'm immortal."

Again, Damon looked dumbfounded. This was definitely turning out to be an interesting day.

After what seemed to be hours, Percy spoke. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Okay, that makes sense. You keep referring to the townspeople as mortals."

"My friend, Annabeth, is a daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Though, I personally think Wise Girl has more brains than her mother."

Thunder rumbled overhead, and Percy rolled her eyes. "You know it too, Athena. You are just as much of a drama queen as your father." More thunder rumbled, but Percy ignored it.

"Why the hell is it thundering when there's not so much as a sign of a cloud anywhere?" Damon asked, apparently confused.

"That's the gods for you. They would do much better as the gods of theatre."

Damon wanted to know more about this girl. She intrigued him, surprised him, and captivated him all at once. He wanted to know all about the life she had as a demigod.

"So are all demigods immortal?"

The sea-green eyed beauty looked sad at the mention of immortality. "No, they're not. We were made immortal as we won a war against Gaea, the earth goddess. Or Princess Potty Sludge as Leo likes to call her." She paused to give a chuckle. "We were a part of the Second Great Prophecy or the Prophecy of Seven."

"What was the First Great Prophecy?"

"Another war. Against the Titans. I was a part of it too." Part of it? a voice inside her head chided. You WERE the prophecy. Percy decided to ignore it.

"What else can you do?"

"I can cause earthquakes and hurricanes, vapor-travel, talk to horses, Pegasi and all aquatic creatures, and water heals me."

Damon whistled. "That's an awesome set of skills to have."

They soon finished eating and left the Grill. And on the drive back home and after reaching the boarding house, they couldn't seem to stop talking. Damon was enjoying learning about Percy's world and relishing her company. Percy, on the other hand, liked asking the blue-eyed Salvatore questions about his life as a vampire.

She wanted to keep talking into the night, and he wanted to go to sleep with her in his arms, but neither of them got what they wanted, as they were interrupted by an Iris message.

A/n: Hey, guys! Sorry for the short chapter. Who do you think the I.M was from? And what do you think this person has to say? It's nice to write og chapters, rather than writing out scenes from TVD. Comment and share, guys!

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