Chapter 5

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The doorbell rang yet again for the fifth time that day. Percy went to get it, half-expecting Annabeth to show up, as she had called Percy to let her know that she'd be in town for the weekend. But Annabeth would have called, her brain reasoned.

On the other side stood Damon. He looked angry. He walked into the house without waiting for Percy to invite him in. "We need to talk."

Sometime later, they were in Percy's room with the door carefully closed, as she didn't want her parents to overhear and start worrying.

"So..." Percy started and was interrupted before she could say anything else.

"What was that?" asked Damon.

"What was what?" Percy asked back.

"Don't play innocent with me. You know what I'm talking about."

"I want to hear it from you. I don't know what you saw or heard while lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious."

"Okay, what was that thing you did with the water?" asked Damon. "You put out the fire. I saw you hiding behind that dumpster. The fire died before Elena grabbed Bonnie."

Percy sighed. "I can manipulate water. Happy?"

"And I want to know why you attacked and threatened Stefan. He claims you were a lot stronger than him."

"He attacked me first. And I threatened him because I didn't want him coming after my family after I overpowered him. And he, for some reason, thinks that I was the one who attacked you."

Damon ran his fingers through his hair. "I told him that Bonnie 'set me on fire.' But that doesn't explain why you were stronger than him. And how did you know we were vampires?"

"Dude, stop it with the questions already." Percy was tired of all the questions he was asking.

"Just tell me the truth. That's what a friend would do."

Percy smiled slightly. "Are we friends?"

"I don't know. I thought we were getting along really well."

"We don't know each other that well, so I can't ask you to trust me, but will you believe me if I said I wasn't some kind of a monster?"

"Trusting and believing aren't very different," answered Damon. "But I do know you're not a werewolf."

"I'm still getting used to the fact that vampires exist, and now you tell me there are werewolves? This day just keeps getting better and better," said Percy sarcastically. This was obviously a lie, as she already knew vampires and werewolves existed.

"Which brings me back to my question, how did you know we were vampires?"

"I knew it when I touched you, when we shook hands that day."

"So, what, you're like, some kind of psychic?"

"Something like that, yes."

"You also have water powers, so that makes you a witch?"

"No, as I told your brother, I'm not a witch," said Percy.

"Then, what are you?" Damon asked.

"I'm not ready to say anything yet, Damon. Maybe someday you'll get to know," answered Percy.

"So you're just gonna leave me with more questions than answers?"

"You'll find out, sooner or later."

"I hope it's sooner."

Percy smirked. "We'll see. So I've been wanting to ask you, who is that girl you and Stefan don't like?"

"Her name is Katherine. You know Elena, right? She is her doppelgänger."

Damon seemed to trust her with this information. She decided to reciprocate with information of her own.

"You know Damon, seeing as you trusted me with this information, I'm gonna tell you something. Remember that pet hellhound I was telling you about? That was not a lie. I really do have a pet hellhound."

Damon looked surprised. "Wow. Thanks for sharing that little piece of info with me. And I think you'll tell me more about your secret sooner than you'd like." He smirked.

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