Chapter 17

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Damon was at the Grill, drinking the bar dry. Percy sat beside him, looking deep in thought. Suddenly, Damon's phone began to ring, startling both of them.

"Hello," said Damon into the phone.

Percy decided not to listen into the conversation, as she had seen the name 'Rose' flash across his screen, and couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Damon turned to look at Percy after he hung up. "Come on. We're going to Richmond."

"What? Why?"

"Elena is on a suicide mission. Again. She wants to trade herself to Elijah in exchange for our safety."

"Do I have to come?" asked Percy, pouting.

"I know you don't like her much, but it would definitely be helpful if you went," said Damon seriously.


"And you're pretty useful in a fight," Damon added.

"Fine. I'll come. But I'm doing this for you," said Percy.

"Yes, yes, I'm awesome that way," Damon said, smirking.

Meanwhile, in Richmond, Elena and Rose were going into Slater's house. Rose pushed opened the door, saying, "After you."

Elena went in and started to look around the house. Rose came in after her, calling out Slater's name. She too looked around and paused suddenly, seeing something. "I don't think he's gonna be of much help."

Elena rushed to her side, and gasped at the sight of Slater's dead body, lying on the floor, looking grey and veiny, with a stake through his heart.

The doppelgänger walked over to his desk, and looked through his papers. "Looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop found him and killed him got his information."

"Yeah. Probably to stop him from helping people like us," said Rose. "The guy was a vampire almanac. Knowing too much information just bit him in the ass."

While Elena and Rose were looking through his computer to see if they could find anything, Damon and Percy were on their way to Richmond.

"Aren't you tired of saving Elena each time she gets herself into trouble?" Percy asked. "Isn't it Stefan's job, as her boyfriend to protect her?"

"I know," replied Damon. "I'm just doing my brother a favor. I am not in love with her. She's my brother's girlfriend. I would never fall for her."

"The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks," Percy teased.

"Shut up, Percy," he snapped at her playfully. "Besides I like someone else," he added softly under his breath. But she heard it anyway.

Who could this mystery girl be? Percy wondered. Maybe he's talking about Rose. Who am I kidding, he's definitely talking about Rose.

It should not come as a surprise, though, that Percy is oblivious of Damon's feelings towards her.

Elena was drinking a glass a water, when she suddenly heard a sound and whirled around to find herself staring at Damon Salvatore.

"What are you doing here?" Damon questioned.

"What are you doing here?" Elena asked back. Rose walked in, just then, looking guilty. "You called him?" Elena looked at Rose, feeling betrayed.

"I'm sorry, Elena," she apologized.

"You said you understood," said Elena, almost pleadingly.

"She lied," Percy said, coming in through the door.

"Of course, you brought her along," Elena scoffed.

"Come on, we're leaving," declared Damon.


"I said we're leaving."

"I'm not going with you."

"You do not get to make decisions anymore," said Damon. It was clear that he was pissed off.

"When have I ever made decisions?" snapped Elena. "You and Stefan do that for me."

Percy silently agreed with the doppelgänger, but didn't voice her thoughts, as she still wasn't impressed with Elena for trying to sacrifice herself and didn't like the girl, in general.

"Who's gonna save your life when you're out there making decisions?" asked Damon.

"You're not listening to me, Damon. I don't want to be saved," replied Elena. "Not if it means Klaus is going to kill every single person that I love."

Damon glared at her. "Get your ass out the door, before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out."

Elena threw her hand out, trying to hit him, but he grabbed her hand and twisted it, making her scream in pain.

"Don't ever do that again," he warned.

The door opened and in came three people.

"We're here to meet the doppelgänger," one of them said.

Elena went to step forward, but Damon caught her by the hand and stopped her. "I will break your arm." He turned to look at the men. "There's nothing here for you."

Suddenly, one of the men fell to the ground, dead. Elijah stood there, gripping the dead vampire's heart. He threw it to the ground and stepped forward.

Rose sped out the door on seeing Elijah.

"I killed you," said Damon in disbelief. "You were dead."

"For centuries now," replied Elijah.

"Who are you?" asked the first vampire.

"I'm Elijah."

"We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She's the doppelgänger. I don't know how she exists, but she does. Klaus would wanna see her."

"Does anyone else know that you're here?" asked Elijah.


"Well, then, you've been incredibly helpful." He ripped out the hearts of the two vampires standing before him. Then, he looked at Percy, who winked at him, letting him know that she knew he was alive. He watched her for a second, surprised, and vamp-speeded out the door.

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