Chapter 12

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"What the hell is that?" Damon asked, looking at something Stefan had in his hand. Him, Percy and Stefan were on the road, looking for a missing Elena.

"Is that a grenade?" Percy piped up from the backseat.

"It's a vervain bomb, or a grenade launcher or something like that," replied Stefan.

Alaric sure likes his weapons, thought Percy.

"Weird," muttered Damon.

"Hey, how much further is it?" Stefan asked.

"About 80 miles," replied Damon.

"Who do you think took her?"

"Someone from Katherine's past. She said she was running from someone."

"The Originals," supplied Percy. "She was running from the Originals."

Stefan turned back to look at her in disbelief. "How do you know that?"

She grinned at him. "I make it a point to know these things."

"Thank you," said Stefan, turning to Damon, "for helping me."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Can we not do the whole road trip-bonding thing. The cliché of it all makes me itch."

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Percy.

"Isn't what obvious?" Stefan questioned.

"He's not doing this because he wants to bond with you or help you. He's doing this because he's in love with your girlfriend."

Damon sighed. "For the last time, Percy, I am not in love with Elena."

Percy shrugged. "Whatever."

After a while, they arrived at the location, and Damon parked the car to the side of the road, near some trees. They got out and started walking towards the trees.

"House should be just beyond those trees," said Damon, stepping out of the car. "Wait," He called out to Stefan and Percy, who had already went ahead. "Now, I've got a little more experience than you do with this sort of thing."

"So what's your point?" asked Stefan.

"My point is, whoever has Elena is whoever was after Katherine in 1864 and before that. That puts them at 500 years old, and stronger than us."

"Well," said Percy, catching the attention of the two vampires who seemed to have forgotten she was there. "Then it's a good thing you have me, isn't it?"

Damon looked concerned. "Are you sure you can handle them?"

"Please. You forget I killed Katherine." And thousands of other monsters, not to mention, Titans who were definitely stronger than Katherine, she added, inside her head.

"See, Percy's there," said Stefan. "She'll help."

They entered the house, careful not to be seen. Damon saw Elijah holding Elena and vamp-speeded around him.

"Who's there?" the Original vampire called out.

Stefan shouted from the top of the staircase. "Up here."

As Elijah speeded up to the top of the staircase, Damon called out from behind him, hiding inside another room, "Down here."

Elijah looked down. Suddenly, a stake flew out from downstairs and impaled Elijah's hand. He ripped it out, and looked around, trying to find who had done it.

Stefan went to Elena and placed a finger on her lips, shushing her, while Damon did the same with the other vampire, Rose, who was also there.

Elijah started to walk around the hall. "Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a grave mistake if you think you can beat me. You can't. You hear that? I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I the girl on the count of three, our heads will roll."

Percy appeared on front of Elijah, and before he could react, snapped his neck. Rose and Elena looked on in shock and the way she did it so effortlessly. Then, Damon came out from his hiding place and drove a stake into his heart for good measure.

"There," he said, stepping back from Elijah's body.

"Let's hope he stays dead," Percy muttered, knowing both the vampires could hear her.

Elena ran towards Stefan, hugging him. Percy could swear Damon looked heartbroken, but his expression changed so fast that she couldn't be sure.

Rose who was looking at the scene, knew she was outnumbered. She vamp-speeded out of the house.

Damon looked like he was about to go after her but Elena stopped him. "Let her go, Damon."

Stefan led Elena out, while Percy and Damon walked together. They reached the car, and got inside. "Let's hope that never happens again," said Stefan as they drove back to Mystic Falls.

A/n: Hey guys! This chapter was a bit short, but it was more of a filler chapter. Anyway, hope you like hthe story so far.

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