Chapter 10: The Descendant of Kratos vs The Mad Titan

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(Anthony arrives at the location where Thanos is, and turns to see the unconscious headmasters with disgust.)

Anthony: Still playing with things beyond your comprehension, I see...

(Thanos turns to see Anthony, who grips his Blades of Chaos. )

Thanos: I've heard of your lineage, Anthony Kennedy

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Thanos: I've heard of your lineage, Anthony Kennedy. But your divine heritage won't save you from the inevitable. With these infinity gems, I am a god.

Anthony: Well, my ancestor had killed Gods. And you're the first one who I'll get to kill.

(He charges forward, a blur of strength and fury. Thanos retaliates with a gesture, and the very ground beneath Anthony's feet surges, forming into towering stone spikes that aim to impale him. Anthony leaps with superhuman agility, flipping over the spikes and landing gracefully, undeterred.)

Anthony: Is that all you've got?

Thanos: No, but thanks for asking.

(The air crackles with energy as Thanos unleashes a torrent of power, manipulating reality itself. The laws of nature seem to bend and twist, creating a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes around Anthony. But the descendant of Kratos was undeterred. He summons the strength of his lineage and pushes forward, each step firm and unwavering.)

Anthony: The hands of death could not defeat my ancestor. The sisters of fate could not hold him.

(As the battle escalates, their clashes send shockwaves rippling through the place. Anthony's blades clashed with the cosmic might of the infinity gauntlet, sparking brilliance illuminating the darkened sky. The two adversaries were evenly matched, each displaying unmatched skill and resilience.)

Anthony: My only regret is that only a few people will see the end of this day.

(Anthony manages to land a few decisive blows, drawing blood from Thanos' face.)

Thanos: All that for a drop of blood. Impressive, but this changes nothing.

(With a sweep of his hand, Thanos unleashes the power of the reality gem, distorting the battlefield. Illusions of nightmarish creatures and twisted landscapes surround Anthony, disorienting him. But Anthony's training and instinct took over, guiding him through the maze of deceit.)

Anthony: A trick of this level won't work on me!

(He bursts through the illusions and leaps high into the air, closing the distance between him and Thanos in an instant. Anthony's blades glow with an ethereal light as he delivers a flurry of strikes. Each attack was met with resistance, as Thanos utilized the power of the time gem to predict and counter Anthony's movements.)

Thanos: You're impressive indeed.

(Their dance of combat continues, the clash of weapons resonate like thunder across the territory. Anthony's strength and determination are unmatched, while Thanos' cunning and mastery of the infinity gems are formidable.)

Anthony: (in mind) Damn it... he's stronger than I thought...

(As the battle rages on, Anthony could sense the fatigue creeping into his muscles. He knew he had to end this quickly before his energy waned. Focusing all his power, he unleashes a devastating strike, aiming for Thanos' chest.)

Anthony: Take THIS!

(Thanos deflects his attack effortlessly.)

Thanos: You fight well, but your efforts are futile.

Anthony: (grits teeth) I fight for the safety of the universe, and I won't stop until you're defeated.

Thanos: I must commend your resilience, but your time is at end.

Anthony: (clenches his fists) I won't let you destroy the universe!

(With a mighty roar, Anthony launched himself at Thanos once more, pouring every ounce of his remaining strength into the attack. But Thanos was ready. He countered Anthony's assault with a swift gesture of his gauntleted hand, sending a surge of raw power that threw the descendant of Kratos back. Anthony struggles to get up as Thanos prepares for his final blow.)

Thanos: Your defiance is impressive, but ultimately futile. I am inevitable.

(Drawing upon the wisdom of his ancestors, Anthony knew he couldn't defeat Thanos head-on. He needed a plan, a strategy that would exploit the Titan's weaknesses. Suddenly he feels a power growing within him, the power of Hope. His body glows as he awakens his newfound power.)

Anthony: Thanos, you may have the power of the infinity gems, but you lack the one thing that can truly conquer the universe—heart!

(Infused with the Power of Hope's energy, Anthony unleashes a torrent of power that engulfs Thanos. The Titan struggles, the combined might of the infinity gems now seeming insufficient. Anthony presses on, determined to end the threat once and for all.)

Anthony: This is the end of you, Mad Titan!

(In a final, desperate act, Thanos unleashes all the power of the infinity gems, creating a maelstrom of energy that threatened to consume them both. But Anthony stands firm, his will fortified by the strength of his ancestors.)

Anthony: Farewell, Thanos!

(The clash between them intensifies, and for a moment, the universe itself seems to hold its breath. Then, with an earth-shattering explosion, the battle reaches its climax. The combined forces of Anthony's divine heritage and the Power of Hope overpowered the infinity gems, shattering the gauntlet and scattering the gems across the cosmos. Anthony approaches Thanos and beheads him.)

Anthony: I... did it...

(Anthony's friends then go to help him, and carry him away, knowing the rest of Union will not be pleased by finding out their former student defeated the Mad Titan himself.)

Rena: You fought well, Anthony.

Camie: You were incredible.

Momo: You were wonderful.

Azuki: You are a true hero indeed.

(As Anthony's friends carry him away, Superman looks at them from above with a hateful glare.)

Superman: Traitors...

(The fight is over, but the war continues.)

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