Chapter 11: Another Happy Reunion/Love Confessions

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(Anthony is seen in his room as he slowly wakes up.)

Anthony: Damn, that fight with Thanos was really tough. I'm glad to have defeated him.

(Suddenly he sees some of his female friends by his side.)

Rana: Good morning, sleepy head.

Anthony: Good morning, Rana.

Camie: We're glad to finally see you again after so long.

Azuki: Your fights have brought positive results. People are starting to see you as a true hero.

Anthony: Good to know.

Inaho: Now we can finally be together forever.

Anthony: Wait, what?

Rana: You're amazing, awesome, wonderful...

Azuki: You're cool, funny, smart...

Inaho: You're powerful, and at the same time, you're brave...

Camie: Intelligent, skillful...

Momo: Charismatic...

Erza: What we're trying to say is that...

Ryuko: We love you, Anthony.

(Anthony gets shocked by hearing their love confessions.)

Anthony: I'm flattered, you know. I always considered Rana as a great girl. Strong, brave, loyal, cheerful, and cute.

Rana: (eyes sparkle) Is that true? I'm cute?

(Anthony nods and turns to Azuki.)

Anthony: Azuki. I always saw you ad a loyal, brave, strong, cheerful, and sexy.

Azuki: My, my... I'm glad you think of me like this.

Anthony: Inaho, you're kind, sweet, gentle, caring, and cute.

Inaho: Ow, thank you, Anthony.

Anthony: Camie, you're cheerful, bubbly, friendly, outgoing, and sexy.

Camie: (seductively) Glad to hear that from you...

Anthony: Momo, you're intelligent, elegant, mature, responsible, and beautiful.

Momo: That's why I like you. You admire me for what I am.

Anthony: Erza, you're strong, brave, loyal, noble, and beautiful.

Erza: Now I'm the one flattered...

Anthony: And Ryuko, you're strong, brave, fierce, loyal, and cute.

Ryuko: Really?

(Ryuko feels excited and out of a sudden, she kisses Anthony on the lips.)

Girls: (jealous) Hey!

(The girls then pull Ryuko away from Anthony and take turns kissing him.)

Girls: So you...

Anthony: Yes, I love you too.

(They get overjoyed and start showering him with kisses.)

(Meanwhile Ninten is seen playing videogames with D.Va as he chuckles.)

Ninten: (in mind) Lucky devil...

(Meanwhile at Union Academy, Team STRQ is seen taking a reflection about their acts.)

Summer: Why would Ozpin send us to hunt down our own children? They did nothing wrong.

Tai: I know, Summer. Our children did their best to defeat the Nomus.

Raven: Ozpin is nothing but a deluded fool. That Anthony guy knew that better than anyone. That's why he left Union.

Qrow: I guess we'd better do the same before it's too late for us.

(Team STRQ then pack their stuff and leave Union Academy as the screen fades out.)

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