Chapter 13: The Descendant of Kratos vs Union Headmasters (Part 2)

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(Anthony is seen standing in front of the Union Headmasters (minus Ironwood) as Superman charges at him and tries to punch him, but his fist collides with Anthony's.)

Superman: You could have helped us to defeat the League of Darkness.

Anthony: (monotone) At the cost of innocent lives and peaceful cities? Hell no! I'm not some arrogant. stupid god wannabe who simply goes exposing them to the horror and desolation of war like you so-called heroes do!

(Anthony then grabs his neck and slams him down.)

Anthony: I have my own code of honor. And it's to only kill those who don't deserve to live! Specifically... those who use their powers for their own gain, like the ones who foolishly challenged me before you did!

Superman: (gets up) Shut up! If you just stayed with us, we could have the world's respect. We could have brought peace!

(Anthony merely kicks Superman down as he summons a Draupnir Spear and stabs one of Superman's legs with it.)

Anthony: There would be those who would leave your sad excuse of school regardless of the consequences. (grabs Superman's neck) I mean... why do you think there are people who fear the consequences of your so-called peace?

(Anthony starts punching Superman multiple times.)

Anthony: You may have lost your beloved and your town, but this is no reason to take so many innocent lives out of rage. (keeps punching him) If I simply used my powers back then, I would technically be no better than you and your new friends, just like you're no better than The Joker or Darkseid.

(He grabs Superman's neck again, but then he rips his head off.)

Anthony: Two down, six left!

Sirzechs: (stern) Why you...

(Sirzechs then launches a Spell of Destruction, but Anthony takes the hit like it's nothing.)

Anthony: Your so-called law has been plaguing this world for too long!

(He then dashes at the devil and slams him against the wall.)

Anthony: That's why your stupid sister deserved to die!

Sirzechs: (grunts) What did you... just say?

Anthony: Sorry, did I stutter? Your sister, that so-called Red Dragon Emperor, and the rest of her peerage tried to make me their pawn. You must have guessed what I though of that... BULLSHIT!

(Sirzechs then kicks Anthony, breaking free as he powers up to his extreme as he starts blindly attacking Anthony, who dodges his attacks.)

Anthony: It turns out you're to be blamed as well, right?

(Anthony then punches Sirzechs into the air, sending him up into space as Sirzechs dies due to the lack of oxygen in space.)

Anthony: Three down, five left.

(Ozpin then charges at Anthony, who counters him with multiple punches before kicking him away. He then summons several Drapnir Spears and launching them at the headmasters. In the alleyway, Hanzo and Nezu can only watch in horror as the headmasters are losing to Anthony. Chifuyu and Ozpin barely deflect the spears while Homelander and Iron Man didn't have the same luck as they were stabbed by various spears which pierce through their vital organs, killing them.)

Chifuyu: Curses!

(Anthony then charges at Chifuyu and fights her without his weapons as he pummels her.)

Anthony: Fighting seven of you would be a losing battle, if you at least learned to work as a team. (grabs her neck) Nobody will miss you anymore!

(Anthony rips off Chifuyu's head before dodging Ozpin's attack.)

Anthony: You don't know when to quit, do you? Ver well. Time to end this!

(Anthony then grabs Ozpin, slams him down, and starts punching his face multiple times.)

Anthony: Die! DIE! (prepares to punch him again) DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

(Anthony crushes Ozpin's skull with the punch, and then gets up to roughly stomp his chest, crushing his heart.)

Anthony: Hanzo! Nezu! I know you're in there! Show yourselves!

(Feeling they might become Anthony's next targets, they try to run away, but an orange hair android blocks their way.)

????: Corrupt Headmasters are not my friends!

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????: Corrupt Headmasters are not my friends!

(She then summons her blades, and they pierce through both Hanzo and Nezu's bodies, killing them completely as Anthony approaches them.)

Anthony: So you both chose to run like pussies instead of facing me head-on. Tch, cowards.

????: Salutations, Anthony Kennedy.

Anthony: (sees the android) Huh? Who are you?

????: I'm Penny Polendina, Ruby Rose's best friend. Pleased to meet you.

Anthony: How do you do?

(Anthony and Penny shake hands as both blush by seeing each other.)

(The Union Headmasters are gone, but Anthony knows the battle is far from over.)

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