[37] The First Shall Be The Last

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The First Shall be the Last

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The First Shall be the Last

For now, the man calling himself Henry Strong-Bird, was asking for the baby and motioning for them to come along with him, down to the campsite, and to be with the people he called the Tewa. Lara took Monica's hand and they made their way down the hill.

They were greeted with open arms. Smiling women welcomed them and many greeted Len with hugs. The many children followed him excitedly, even the youngest of them and begged to see the baby Len carried in a basket. He bent down on a knee and lifted the blanket from her face, and she looked at them with somber blue eyes.

They were entranced with her pink skin and touched her feathery strawberry hair lovingly. Len smiled and nodded.

He received many more hugs from the children and then their mothers shooed them off and went back to the things they were doing.

They were a modern people of which Lara was surprised. They were somewhere between their ancient native culture and anyone else. They seemed happy in this place of coexistence with tribal tradition and the twenty-first century, and Lara was instantly intrigued by the mystery of their joyful and peaceful nature.

As they were shown around the camp by the elder men, Len was taken off by Henry, Lara figured, to see this Basket Weaver Woman. Edward Feather-Dancer led them around and finally showed them an area they could make camp. Nathan and Buck went back to get the vehicles and Lara sat down with Monica and Deag to watch over the kids. Hollis and Verbena were no where to be found but Lara did chance to see them as they connected with relatives. Keith was with them and he was busy trying some baked goods the women had baked in a clay oven. The look on his face was comical as he savored every bite and they plied him with as much as he was willing to eat.

Nathan and Buck brought the vehicles over carefully weaving through the camp with the dogs running alongside. They parked them against the trees and Deag jumped up as they started to unload everything, setting up the tarps and soon Hollis and Keith were there helping. Verbena came with a basket full of meats and cheese, some of the breads and lots of fruit. The kids sat right down, and Lara was so glad to see their hearty appetite. She made Monica eat and watched her worriedly. She knew the girl was suffering with PTSD and she planned to get help for her as soon as she talked to Verbena.

After getting their bellies full the kids fell asleep with Monica under the tarp and Lara asked Verbena to walk with her, so she could talk to her about Monica.

All the guys were on the lakeshore fishing and Buck was lounging near the tarps whittling so she and Verbena made their way down near the water where a dock jutted out into the crystal blue waters of Cimarron Canyon Lake.


In the dim light of a primitive hut at the back of the grounds where the Tewa tribe had taken refuge in the weeks following the viral contagion, Basket Weaver, the Medicine Woman who was also known as Mother Onawa, sat listening to Henry as he explained to her that Len had returned and had brought with him the one searched for.

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