German Empire x French Soldier! Reader

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well, i thought of this story when i recently watched a netflix movie called "all quiet on the west front" and yeah, uhh, violent and as well soldiers falling in love with french women. a lil crazy..(nah the movie isn't about that, it's about the war with france and the German Empire in WW1) i don't recommend you watching it if you're sensitive to blood.

Love world war moviesss so if you have any recommendations then I beg you to tell meee 🙏

(Definitely didn't say that long time ago)

Reader in this story is female.

This can be like a better version of the other German Empire story I made, or Idk tbh. Also, sorry if some information here are historically inaccurate, if I have please tell me!

Anyways, let's just jump right into the story.

WARNING: no warnings here, just enjoy?

I heard gossips of the soldiers around me, but I did not care, I wanted to get as soon as possible onto the battlefield and end the war for all, so I can go home and live the life I used to have with my family, I missed them and I couldn't socialise with my teammates because I was a woman. Some of them would flirt with me or basically just don't do anything.

"Woman..she thinks she can be a warrior"

"Yeah right? she should go back to the kitchen"

"She is hot tho-"

"Silence! She can't be! Not hotter than my wife!"

"Yeah, your wife sure has big -"

Why is there a woman going to the war in 1914 you may ask? Of all my family tree, I wanted to sacrifice myself because my other family members didn't deserve to die. (For all that has annoying af siblings or bad parents, let's just make an alternative universe where y'all lived a happy life)

"Y/N! the only woman here, are you ready to serve our country?!"

"Yessir!" I answered.

"Good! now go and don't you dare fall asleep! Or else you'll know what will happen"


I grabbed my gun and ran into the battlefield with the others, a lot of people were dying in front of me, I felt bad and wanted to help them but the commander once told me to keep going and never stop unless I was a medic.

I ran, until I finally reached the German's foxhole, however, I heard a loud sound, and I felt an intense pain in my head, making me dizzy and fall unconsciously.

After the germans tried to attack the french in the west front, a lot of soldiers died, now, German soldiers and many more went to grab the dead bodies. They were taking the bodies so they can take the clothes and clean them, basically reuse, but in the way they found you, lying on the floor with other dead bodies.

"Hans! over hier! look what I found!"

"What's the matter Klaus?" He then approached Klaus, as his eyes then widened.

"Is that...eine frau?!"

"Ja! how can the french be so cruel?! woman aren't supposed to be in the army!"

People started coming to see what was happening, all curious of why everyone was gathering up, gasping when they saw the woman.

"Klaus, look if she is still alive"

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