Vol. 2 Chp. 1: Bad News

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' ': Writing
' ': Sign language

The morning was always lively in class D. Most students were far from being serious. Today was louder than usual, though. My classmates were curious if we got any points this time.

"Good morning. Everyone looks more restless than usual today," Chabashira says.

When the bell rang, Chabashira-sensei walked into the room.

"Sae-chan-sensei! Do we have 0 points this month too!? I didn't even have a point when I checked this morning!" Ike yells.

"Is that the reason why you are so restless?"

"This month, we worked our asses off! We got past the midterms. So, isn't it cruel to still be at 0!? We weren't late to class, weren't absent, and didn't whisper!" Ike complains.

"Don't go off deciding things on your own. Let me talk first. Ike, you worked harder than I've ever seen you try. We recognize that. Naturally, the school understands how you feel too."

Ike immediately closed his mouth and sat back down in his seat.

"Let's look at the month's total," Chabashira pulled out some paper and put it on the board.

Class A - 1034 cp (+94)

Class B - 870 cp (+90)

Class C - 562 cp (+2)

Class D - 87 cp (+87)

All the classes were close in points, and everyone had been awarded about 100 points except for Class C. The gap between classes A and D seemed massive, slightly above the points everyone started.

"Huh? 87? Did we increase our points!? Woohoo!" Ike cheered.

"I wouldn't be getting so excited right now. All the other classes increased their points by about the same amount you did. The gap didn't get any closer. This looks like a reward for just passing the midterm," Chabashira says.

Is nobody going to talk about how Class C got 2 points? Anybody?

"Are you disappointed, Horikita? Because the gap has slightly widened," Ayanokouji asked.

"I'm not disappointed at all. I'm content because I got something out of it this time," Horikita says.

"What do you mean, you got something out of it?"

Horikita didn't say anything else after that. Hirata stood up and answered for her.

"The deductions we got during April and May... in other words, along with whispering and being late to class, there were no other deductions, is what I believe Horikita-san was saying," Hirata explains.

That's the best way to put it.

"Ah, I see. If there were a lot of deductions, our 100 points would've been 0. Huh? Then why didn't we get any points?"

"This time, there's a bit of trouble. The points for the first years were delayed. Sorry, but you'll have to wait for a bit longer."

"Eh, seriously? Shouldn't we get some freebie because the school is having trouble?"

All the students grumbled in discontent. Their attitudes completely changed as soon as they understood they got points. Having 87 points and no points is a world of difference.

"Don't blame it on that. The school decided it, not me. Once the trouble is resolved, you'll get your points. If there are any points left, that is," Chabashira nonchalantly says.


I went to the cafeteria and found an empty table to sit at. As I was enjoying my lunch, someone called out to me.

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