Vol. 6 Chp. 6: Closer To The Exams

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'...': Writing
'...': Sign language
"...": Text to speech

Days flew by as we were getting closer to the exam. I still didn't attend any of the study groups. Rino did ask me to join her while studying.

So, we were at Pallet, studying for the exam.

Ayanokouji's POV

"Sure enough, it's noisier than I expected."

As Yukimura stepped into the cafe, he was taken aback by the number of students present. Though we were able to find seats, the cafe was almost complete. Study groups, comprising students from all grades, were starting around us. Despite many students working quietly, a large number of people made it seem impossible for the session to be as peaceful as it would be in the library.

"We should have done this in the library or my room."

"No way. It's easier to do it here; easy-peasy. Right, Miyatchi?"

"Yep. I get enough quiet, tense atmosphere during archery club."

Contrary to Yukimura, the two seem to be alright with being here.

"Hey, isn't that Rino-san and Kagurazaka-kun?" Miyake pointed out.

Horikita hasn't said much about them, but she is frustrated that neither participated in the study group.

She even asked me to convince them to join Yukimura's study group. There was a problem with that. Those two would be the first out of the classroom and nowhere in sight.

"We should study with them," Hasabe said.

Yukimura sighed, adjusting his glasses, "We will ask them if they would like to study with us. If they refuse, then so be it."

We approached their table, "Rino-san and Kagurazaka-kun, could we join you in your study session?"

Kagurazaka and Rino glanced at each other before returning their attention to us. It was slightly unnerving that they hadn't given a response.

"I don't care," Rino replied.

I couldn't tell if she was irritated, annoyed, or bored.

'What she said.'

Kagurazaka's POV

While studying, Hasabe told Miyake, "By the way, isn't there a Yoshimoto-kun in Class C? Miyatchi, do you know?"

"Do you mean Yoshimoto Kousetsu? He's in the archery club."

"Yeah, that Yoshimoto-kun. I heard he started going out with a second-year, you know?" Hasebe began to gossip.

I wasn't studying as I was messing around with my pencil, spinning it with my fingers. Rino and I glanced at each other before we shook our heads.

"I hadn't heard anything about that, but I was just thinking that he's been in a hurry to leave early for some strange reason. So that's what it was."

"Yoshimoto-kun has been super motivated and says that they will get married in the future. The man is a simple idiot."

They were slowly diverged from studying.

"You're free to talk about who's going out with whom and what the future will be like all you want, but at the very least, get your work done while you do," Yukimura said.

"I know. We're just chatting while taking a breather."

"Is that right?"

"Wow, I'm getting sarcastic vibes from you. I'm going to refill my cup."

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