Vol. 4.5 Chp. 1: Summer Vacation

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'...': Writing
'...': Sign language
"...": Text to speech


Class A - 1204 cp (-50)

Class B - 1080 cp (No change)

Class C - 512 cp (-50)

Class D - 378 cp (+50)


I was glad to be off the cruise ship and finished with the exam. We disembarked early in the morning, so most students, including myself, wanted to tidy up and rest.

I wasn't alone in my room, though. Ichihashi followed me to my room and wanted to spend time with me. I was lying on my bed when she was lying beside me.

"So, should we have some fun?" Ichihashi seductively looked at me while licking her lips.

This girl...

She started caressing my cheek as she was getting dangerously close. I could feel my heart racing.

I wanted to sleep, but this wasn't helping me at all. I rolled over to face away from her.

She wrapped her arms around me, pressing her chest against my back, "Fine, we can sleep... I want to be the big spoon."

I felt her warm breath against my ear, "This also gives me the chance to feel your body."

"Mwah!" She pressed her lips against my cheek, "I'm teasing you!"

I'm going to sleep.


"Kagu-kun," I felt Ichihashi gently shake me.

I let out a groan before rolling over. I wanted to continue sleeping.

"I'm going to kiss you if you don't get up," I heard her say.

I think she would kiss me while I'm unaware and sleeping.

"I made food."

My eyes shot wide open.

She better not be messing around because I am hungry.

Did I join her for... Breakfast? Lunch? I didn't check the time, and I'm hungry.

"How is it?" She asked.

I gave her a thumbs-up.

"Good, I tried my best," Ichihashi smiled.

I felt my phone and checked it. It was a message from Chabashira-sensei.

It said, "I want all Class D to meet in the classroom in the afternoon."

"Hey, did you also get a message?" Ichihashi asked.

I nodded.



All 40 students were in the classroom. I expected Koenji to skip, but he sat at his desk with his legs propped up.

Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom, "Good afternoon, students. I wanted to congratulate you for a job well done on the cruise ship exam."

She pulled out a white poster that was rolled into a tube. She spread it out before sticking a magnet onto the board.

"As you can see, this contains the amount of private points each student will get. Some students got more points than others," Chabashira-sensei said.

 Some students got more points than others," Chabashira-sensei said

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