Vol. 7 Chp. 2: Family Reunion

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After school the next day, I let out a discreet sigh and relaxed my stiff shoulders. My tense shoulders were due to the actions of a classmate of mine, whose actions I don't quite understand. Suddenly, an unexpected visitor approached me, unaware of my worries. Her skirt swayed slightly in the breeze as she stopped before me.

"Say, Ayanokouji-kun, are you free today?" The girl speaking to me is Satou from Class D.

"If you're okay with it, why don't we have tea together on the way back?" She said so while twirling her hair.

I would describe her as a bold and aggressive student. Satou acted like she had confessed her feelings to me, almost like asking me for a date. Horikita, sitting next to me, did not seem to care. She packed her things and left the classroom. However, I could sense that the members of the Ayanokouji Group were observing the situation closely.

Why is a popular girl like Satou talking with Ayanokouji? That is probably what they're thinking. Haruka, in particular, is interested in the circumstances of the other girls.


I don't have any plans in mind for today. Our group assemblies aren't mandatory either, so that's good, too. The stares from the group members are worrying, but that's still trivial.

"Was it bad timing?"

Since I didn't give an affirmative reply right away, Satou anxiously asked me.

"Sorry, Satou. Today's no good".

I hesitated for a while, but ultimately, I declined her offer. The reason for my refusal was that my shoulders were feeling stiff. From the morning until the end of school, I felt uneasy due to the stares I received occasionally. 

Even now, as I'm talking with Satou, that stare remains fixed on me. Chabashira-sensei stayed behind in the classroom after school ended. She's pretending to fill out paperwork, but it's evident she's been staring at me occasionally, almost as though she wants to approach me.

"I-I see. See you later then, Ayanokouji-kun".

I am sorry to hear about Satou's disappointment. It seems like bad luck. After saying goodbye to Satou, I walked out into the corridor to return. However, I found myself facing an immediate danger. At the same time, Chabashira-sensei left the classroom and approached me. 

As I had suspected, she must have had some business with me. It seems that my decision to turn down Satou was the right one. I decided to avoid the conspicuous corridor and opted to take a roundabout staircase that leads to the entrance instead.

"...Ayanokouji," since the crowd had thinned, Chabashira closed the distance and called out to me.

"Do you have business with me?"

"Yeah. Follow me. There's something I need to tell you".

"That's a tall order. I've got an appointment with Horikita now".

I made up an excuse to get out of this situation.

"I don't want to act carelessly as a teacher, but circumstances are circumstances."

Chabashira-sensei, who often doesn't show emotion, now has an unusually vulnerable expression.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Unfortunately for you, you don't have the right to refuse. It's an extremely urgent matter."

I don't want to disobey a teacher, but I wouldn't say I like following her. However, my resistance proved to be futile, so I ended up following Chabashira-sensei. We left the student area and finally arrived at our destination.

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