Vol. 11 Chp. 3: Moving On

905 53 8

'...': Writing
'...': Sign language
"...": Text to speech

"Wait a moment, Hirata-kun."

After school had ended, Horikita called out to Hirata just as he was about to head home for the day.

It was the first time she had spoken to him since the Class Vote Exam ended. Hirata stopped in his tracks without looking back to face her.

"I know you probably don't want to talk to me, but just allow me to confirm something. You don't need to practice for any of the events our class chooses, and I'm not planning on having you do anything on exam day, either. However, that might change depending on the situation. Sakayanagi-san knows your condition so that she might throw in several events requiring many people."

No matter how much Class C might try to accommodate Hirata, every student might have to participate.

"If that happens, what will you do? Apathetically hold all of us back? Or are you just going to do the bare minimum required of you? Can you at least answer me that?"

However, Hirata didn't respond. A heavy silence filled the classroom, broken only by Hirata's footsteps as he walked away.

"So he won't even give me an answer?"

Fed up with Hirata, Horikita averted her gaze as if she had given up.

"Hey, maybe we won't win after all... with Hirata-kun acting like this and everything."

I could hear anxious whispers coming from some of the girls.

The boys were likely just as concerned as the rest of the class. The man leading them was now absent, and his continued absence became a significant problem for the group.

Horikita spoke up to me.

"You told me that fixing his problem was a collective effort. But in the end, he still hasn't changed at all."

"I wonder about that."


Horikita looked up at me with a confused expression, but my attention was focused on something else entirely.

"Hirata-kun! Wait!"

At this point, I didn't know how often I had heard Mii-chan yell out like that. She hurriedly grabbed her bag and followed him out of the classroom.

"Mii-chan still hasn't given up."

"Why she hasn't is completely beyond me."

"Just focus on what you need to be doing, Horikita. Bringing Class C together and improving our chances of winning."

Horikita was currently the only person in the class capable of doing that.

I left the classroom myself, following Mii-chan.

I found the two of them standing face to face on the way to the dormitories. However, their scene together gave a different impression than a bittersweet confession.

This was more of an attack. She was on the offensive to get Hirata back on his feet.

"Please, Hirata-kun. Everyone needs your help... So─"

"Mii-chan, just stop. Can't you leave me alone already...?"

Hirata interrupted her with a grumbling complaint, wondering how often he'd have to repeat himself for her to understand. 

His sharp words cut deep into her heart, but she didn't waver in determination.

Mii-chan wouldn't give up, no matter how often he pushed her away.

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