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Her dark locks gently swayed in the evening breeze as she sat on a weathered wooden bench overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean.

With a sense of wonderment, her eyes fixated on the horizon, where the sun begins its arise. The sky transforms into a masterpiece of hues, as if an artist's brush has painted strokes of fiery orange, soft pink, and hints of purple across the canvas of the heavens.

Ariana's face lit up with awe, her heart filled with a sense of tranquility and appreciation for the beauty of nature.

As the sun rises higher, casting a warm glow on the water's surface, she takes a deep breath, cherishing this magical moment that will forever be etched in her memory.

Her hellhound, which she had named Skye, laid no the grass besides her, her head rested on Ariana's knee.

Throughout the year, Ariana had been practicing her powers and she had gotten quite far although she knew she would need more practice.

Chiron had been helping her practice her shadow travel although she had yet to successfully travel anywhere yet.

It frustrates her knowing she had done it before and yet could re do it. Chiron suggested it was beginners luck. The closest she had gotten to being successful was ending up in Italy, despite wanting to go across the camp.

She also found that the more she attempted to shadow travel, the more exhausted she became and on multiple occasions she had fainted.

On top of shadow travel she was able to mentally generate and manipulate darkness, although this was another thing she hadn't fully controlled.

Chiron had thought she may possess forms of necromancy and Osteokinesis, but so far nothing.

"You missed the campfire."

Ariana turned to see Silena.

"Sorry. I was just thinking." She told her and her eyes once again fixated on the sunrise before her.

Silena sat down besides her. "I'm sure Luke is okay."

Despite Luke's betrayal, Ariana couldn't help but miss the old him; she couldn't imagine how Annabeth was holding up.

She nodded. "Yeah."

The pair sat in silence for a while before Silena stood up. "Come on. Breakfast will be ready soon."

Ariana stood up and called for her pet.

By now, most of the year round campers had gotten used to Skye being at camp; some even played with her.

Together, they walked to the mess hall. Ariana could already hear campers chattering amongst themselves.

Eventually, they parted ways. Silena went over to the Aphrodite cabin and Ariana headed towards the Hermès cabin.

"Hey Ariana!" Connor greeted.

The girl smiled and sat down besides him. "Hey Connor." Then added. "Hey Travis."

"Where were you this morning?" Travis smirked.

"Watching the sunrise."

"Sneaking off in the middle of the morning to watch the sunrise? Very suspicious." Connor added. Travis laughed at his brother.

Ariana rolled her eyes. "Hah hah hah. So funny."

Chiron banged his hooves onto the floor. Everybody shut up immediately.

"Campers!" Chiron said. "I have some news."

Everyone begun whispering.

"What's happening?" Travis asked.

Ariana shrugged. "I don't know."

"Thalias tree has been poisoned." He said.

Gasps could be heard from all around. Ariana was sure she would faint.


"How is that even possible!"

"This is ridiculous!"

Dionysus looked as bored as ever.

"I know this is hard." Chiron said. "But we are going to work very hard to do everything we can. After breakfast, I will speak to cabin leaders one by one."

Food appeared on the tables but Ariana found she didn't have an appetite.

Whilst campers went over to the fireplace with their plates, Ariana picked up some fruit and left the mess hall.

She spent the morning practicing her sword fighting. With Luke gone they hadn't had a proper teacher and so she took it upon herself to train harder and much more often.


Ariana stopped what she was doing.

"Chiron." She wiped the sweat of her forehead and walked to where the centaur was stood.

"I've informed Percy's mother to postpone his stay."

"What why?"

He sighed. "You and him are children of the Big Three. With Thalias tree dying the camps defences will weaken-"


He held his hand up for her to stop speaking. She did. "Your scents are much stronger to monsters, is what I'm saying. It isn't safe for either of you to be here. But, your already here. So stay here."


"Dionysus may be forced to fire me."


"The tree is dying. Somebody had to be blamed. Annabeth should arrive in a few days. Don't do anything irrational Ariana."

Then he left.

Then he left

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