Chapter 4

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"You weren't lying at all... He is human."

"Why would I lie about something like that?" A2 frowned as she watched Anemone examine the injuries on Shirou who lays in a bed unconsciously. The pieces of cloth that Shirou had wrapped around his leg and arm to suppress the bleeding from overflowing were taken off to get a better inspection of the injuries. "Can you treat him?"

"It's tough but the injury isn't deadly. Androids and Humans are biologically different. Unlike us...they're completely organic. Simple really." She stated the obvious comparison. "Organic creatures require a lot of things in order to survive, eat, sleep, rest, oxygen. Injuries are different compared to Androids. Androids who are injured in battle need backup parts to help fix injuries, alongside fixing any circuits that need repairing. Those that are YoRHa Androids can always come back if they die so long as their save isn't lost. Humans on the other hand..." She stared grimly at the blood on the towel that she used to wipe on the leg and arm.

"Adding pressure to the wounds on his arm and leg continuously helps stop the bleeding. It's also important to clean his wounds because if there are cuts and grazes in the skin, they can infect humans with bacteria. Bacteria are tiny-celled organisms and are either good or bad to the body." Anemone explained. "If not treated, the bacteria enter the wounds and cuts where they'll multiply which can cause infection. That's why it's important to clean and protect the injuries."

"...You know a lot about humans..." A2 found herself dazed at her past comrade. She was taken by surprise at the knowledge she held of humans.

"There are things I do in my time such as read through a book about humans that I have... I never thought fortune would be on my side. The books are about humans and the importance of health." Anemone smiled as she was doing the role that all Androids always hoped to fulfill. Protect and serve their creators. She looked over at the human in the bed. She finds herself still feeling in awe at the fact that a living human is right in front of her. His pants were rolled up and the dusted and damaged red overcoat of his was taken off to get a better view of his injured arm. The black tight and sleeveless shirt that had silver accents outlined his physique, showing off the well-toned muscle. "How did you find him anyway?"

"I was in the desert hunting Machines." A2 said bluntly.

"Figured something like that was related..." Anemone sighed as the Android's lust to kill machines is strong as always.

"It just so happened that I found him fighting against the Machines as well."

"What!?" She snapped her attention towards the white-haired Android who was leaning by the doorway.

"Relax. For a human, he was fighting against them quite well. That is until one of them slashed him on his arm and another bashed him with their electromagnetic shield and one that exploded on him. He was lucky enough to mostly dodge, unfortunately, his leg got caught on it and you can see the result..." A2 said as she looked at Shirou. "I went in and saved him once he was about to get killed when he tripped." She then explained what happened onwards after the battle was over.

From the ability to summon weapons out of thin air, to shooting swords out of a bow and having explosive arrows. She also told Anemone about their conversations while they took breaks.

"But when I tried to wake him up I realized that something wasn't right and carried him on my back and ran without stopping until I arrived at the Camp." She told her how their rest in the city would make leave her alarmed once she realized Shirou wasn't waking up at all when she tried speaking to him and shaking him. "I told him that we shouldn't have taken a break. But he insisted because he was worried that I must've been tired when I assured him multiple times I wasn't." Because of his ignorance, he could have died on her. That left a sour taste in her mouth as she realized that he cared more about her than he did about himself.

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