Chapter 6

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"Who is that Android anyway? I've never seen a type like him." The next day arrived and Devola's mind still thought back to the Android that arrived with A2.  "You think he's part of YoRHa?" A new YoRHa model?

"An unusual YoRHa model if that were the case." Popola said to her sister. "The others speak of him as well. It turns out that he appeared a few days ago."

"So when we were out?" Devola asked as Popola nodded with confirmation. "That makes sense. We haven't seen him before leaving and it's also confusing why Anemone knows him." The look that Anemone gave the Android yesterday was one of relief as if she was glad that he was alright. She also spoke with a happy and excited tone. Anemone isn't one that acts that way with others. Was she acting like that because of the new Android? Or because of A2 given both of them have history together? Either way, Anemone sounded happy when responding to the male Android.

"I've heard a few of the others speak about him with curiosity." Popola said as she recalled hearing the rumors. "Some think he's a YoRHa Android. Others are amazed at how tall he is."

"He was quite tall wasn't he?" Devola recalled Shirou up and close. "Whatever, doesn't matter. What else did they say?"

"Some wondered what must've happened to him before he arrived. He was being carried by A2 as she had him on her back while he was unconscious. Some say it was an amusing sight seeing such a big Android be carried by a smaller Android." Popola said as she looked at her sister. "Turns out No. 2 brought her to the leader without saying anything. She rushed to her house making others wonder what relationship A2 and Shirou have."

"Relationship?" Devola raised her brow at the things the other Androids are muttering about. "Now that I think of it, A2 isn't the one who would care about others in general. She's known to just hunt machines and is bash."

"Where do I know someone who acts bash?"

"What are you saying, sister?" Devola looked on with irritation as she stared at Popola who smiled her way causing her to smile back. "You know, I wonder something about him."

"What is it, Devola?" Popola asked her sister with curiosity as to what she thought of the new Android.

"If he is a YoRHa unit, isn't it odd of them to have him use a bow?" Devola recalled the giant black bow that the Android had gripped in his hand. "I doubt arrows can penetrate through the metal of a machine. Also, all YoRHa units wear visors." And this specific Android does not.

"You're right Devola, that is a strange weapon. You're right about him not wearing a visor too." Popola said with confusion. "He's also dressed quite differently, isn't he? He has black and white on him like YoRHa units, but he doesn't have the usual outfits like them." She recalls the red scarf, black jacket, and pants.

"Why is he the talk of the camp anyway?" Devola wondered.

"He's been taking quest left and right ever since his injuries have been repaired. Many are grateful for his help that he has done in such a short time." Popola said as her eyes blinked as she saw the Android they were talking about as he entered a building and shut the door.

Was he holding a plate of food? She thought to herself at the oddity of an Android taking food with him. Maybe he's feeding an animal... She waved it off without much wonder.


"What are you doing?" A2 looked at Shirou who sits on a chair while he was working on an object that was placed on the table by him.

"I'm seeing if there's a way to repair this AC machine. I bought it from the Maintenance Shop Owner when I took notice of it lying around."

"You bought something broken?" A2 raised a brow as she stared at the man. "You are strange." She paid more attention to his face as she saw how Shirou didn't bother looking at her.

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