Chapter 10

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"Thanks again. You're a lifesaver."

"Don't mention it. I don't mind helping out."

Standing right next to the Weapon Trader. Shirou had his arms crossed as he had finished giving the android the materials he needed to make more weapons. Salvaging through the City Ruins and picking up whatever he could during the last few days, he would give said materials he found to the trading androids.

"You're very odd you know?" The Weapon Trader couldn't help but say.

"I've been told by many. You're not the first who has said that to me." Shirou closed his eyes with a smile. "Best of luck to your business. If you ever need anything then feel free to give me another request." He grabbed his bow which was standing upward by the metal box by the Weapon Trader as his arms then fell to his sides, preparing to leave.

"Hey wait! Don't think you're leaving without your payment!"

Shirou sweats as he gets caught before he can leave. He looks back at the android who already had his payment in hand.

" could I forget." He lied through his teeth as he accepted the payment and gave a smile. "Thank you."

"There's one thing I'm curious about." The Weapon Trader blurted out of the blue. "It's about the weapons you use."

"Is it because I use an outdated weapon?"

"Not that weapon I mean the other ones. But I suppose I also am curious as to why you use a bow when it's not effective against machines." The Weapon Trader looked at the bow for a moment. "I'm talking about your swords."

Shirou looked down at the lower region of his body where Kanshou and Bakuya were strapped to his side followed by a quiver of arrows. Unless his weapons become cracked or shattered, there's no reason to dismiss his blades. He can keep them in the world indefinitely.

"Your weapons are unique compared to even YoRHa weapons. I've never seen such weapons in my life." The Weapon Trader couldn't help but stare at the swords. "What purpose were you created for?"

"Pardon?" Shirou blinked at the sudden question.

"Some androids like YoRHa were created to serve different purposes. Such as combat models and scanner units. Every one of us may not be given different purposes. But we all have a common goal, fight against the machines and serve mankind." The Weapon Trader told him. "Which is why I'm curious about what your purpose is."

This is more complicated than I thought it would be. A wave of concern flowed through Shirou.

"My model. It was designed to keep records of mankind."

"Records of mankind?" The answer was vague to the Weapon Trader. Does the android in front of him mean all that defies humans?

"Humans created me as a way to keep records throughout history. The history can be about different cultures, legends, essentially many records that humanity had about themselves in case they were to be lost in time if you will." Shirou explained to the man. Although he did frown slightly with concern at the way he might have just depicted himself which may spread and give him even more attention. His mind immediately went to the first thing he thought of, history. Anemone told the others that he's an old android that has data from the "old world". He figures that labeling himself as a record holder of sorts that is focused on mankind might be the way to go with his fake identity. The irony is heavy. He is already a faker and now he's acting as a fake of a fake.

"Incredible! Wait a minute...what are you doing going out and fighting machines!? If your model is to safeguard and keep records of humans, then shouldn't you avoid fighting!?" The Weapon Trader's mood flipped immediately as he realized the immediate danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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