Chapter 7

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"Are you alright, sir? You seem out of it today."

"Oh. Anemone."

"You sound disappointed. I hope I didn't anger you." Anemone panicked on the inside at the tone Shirou gave her, she wondered what she might've done to have caused him to dislike her.

"Nothing like that. Trust me." Shirou shook his head as he stared at the Android who came up to him while he sat by a barrel that had a fire inside it. In truth, he understood why she asked if he was doing alright. He remained unmoving for the entire hour while staring off into the flames of the barrel. "I'm not mad at you or anything." He eased the Resistance Leader as he noticed how she became stiff when he called her name out after she asked him a question.

"I see. That's a relief." Anemone found herself easing up at the reassurance. Her body calmed down once she was told that he was not angry at her. "You're not out on another quest. What a surprise if I say so myself."

"Is it because that's all I've been doing?"

"Precisely." Anemone nodded as she went ahead and sat down right by Shirou. "You gotta take it easy. Although I understand you like to help others, you should worry about yourself first."

"So I've been told." Shirou nodded as he closed his eyes. "A2 wanted me to ease up with all the work I've been doing. She doesn't want me going out on missions until she's returned."

"And you listened to her?" Anemone looked surprised at the honest answer. "I would say that it should be the other way around since we're supposed to listen to our creators." She said not out loud, but at a volume where only the two of them could hear what she said.

"That is true I suppose. Just like A2, you two have been bugging me about taking breaks." Shirou called out the Resistance Android. "My reassurance that I'm fine doesn't stop you two from continuing to stop me from heading out to complete a mission."

"With all due respect, sir. Your safety is a top priority. Even though you're capable...if you were to go out again, then you should let us do the fighting to protect you."

"I understand your concern. You're simply doing what you were created for." Shirou nodded with understanding to Anemone. "The two of you aren't the only ones who've told me to loosen up. Close friends and family, I've made them all worry because I push myself."

"And for good reason too..." Anemone muttered, feeling like she could understand how worried Shirou's friends and family were. Helping is all that Shirou has been doing, there's not a moment where she's sure he's done anything else. She then blinked as she remembered there was another thing she'd often seen him do. "Besides heading out and completing tasks, you seem to be very good at cooking... I read that burning, or as it's called, cooking food makes eating things such as meat more appealing alongside stopping the effect of getting sick from eating it simply undercooked or raw. How is it that humans came up with many different recipes?" The curiosity to learn more about human culture was strong. A better way to wholeheartedly learn about their creators is to ask one of their creators. And she never thought she would be lucky enough to meet one of their gods.

"Creativity works in wondrous ways." Shirou cryptically answered. "The evolution of food led to different meals to come into existence. Depending on culture, food comes in different ways. Not to mention spices and herbs help with adding flavor to something depending on what's used. Seasoning such as salt helps enhance a meal as well, making meals taste better."

"Do all humans know how to cook? I take it they do given they need meals to replenish energy and to not starve." Anemone hummed.

"It depends. On some hand, others are more knowledgeable in cooking than others."

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