Chapter 2: Gloomy Weather

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Sudden downpours were just the worst. When the weather went from not-a-cloud-in-the-sky, to just dumping it all down after what felt like seconds flat. Adrien's mood turned just as gloomy as the tone of the sky itself.

Rain like this wasn't ever his favorite thing. Rain meant staying inside. Rain meant that he'll have to cancel his plans to go for a run around the city of Paris, staying home instead. The rooftops of the city were so slippery and dangerous when it poured this hard. Not even superpowers could save you for long. It was impossible to see though. It'd be pretty idiotic to even think about going outside.

And every downpour, the bittersweet memories came back full-force as well, seeming to hit him with every raindrop splashing against his window.

Adrien sighed to himself and absently ran his fingers over the picture of his mother that sat on his desk as he listened to the flurry of raindrops hitting his window. Suddenly there was a loud thud. That was no raindrop. Adrien jerked up and whirled around to see what had landed onto his window. A red blur briefly flashed into view. It was hardly visible due to the torrential rain. His heart leapt.

It was Ladybug, half of the dynamic duo. It had to be. But what was she doing out in this weather? Without a moment of hesitation, Adrien scrambled to the window and threw it open, ignoring the gust of rain that immediately swept into his room.

"Ladybug?!" he called out, blinking against the raindrops in his eyes.

The superhero had her yo-yo wrapped around something at the top of the building and her feet against the sides. She was struggling to pull herself up without slipping. Adrien had no idea the outside of his walls or the outside of his house could be so slippery until now.

"Sorry!" Ladybug gasped.

Adrien held a hand out to her. He tugged her inside the moment she took it. Ladybug looked in guilt at the wet area of the room.

"It'll dry." Adrien assured.

He noticed Ladybug shivering. Of course it would be so freezingly cold.

"Wait here," Adrien instructed.

He dashed out of his room and down to the laundry. Ladybug's luck was on his side. He found that a load of towels had been set going in the dryer. He pulled two of the fluffiest he could find and ran back up to his room. Adrien hugged the towels in order to preserve heat.

"Here." he said.

He wrapped one of the towels around Ladybug. She stared at him with wide eyes and... Is that a blush on her cheeks? Adrien thought. He quickly stepped back and used the other towel to wrap himself. He'd have to change into dry clothes later, but a towel would do just fine for now.

"Thanks," whispered Ladybug, giving him a little smile, "but I should probably head off."

Adrien shook his head. Not in this kind of weather. She could get hurt.

"No way. You can't even see out there!" he protested, "You'd be better off staying here until the rain dies down a bit. I don't mind."

Adrien then looked away shyly.

"I-I'd really like it if you stayed." he finished.

Ladybug giggled nervously and he was sure he almost swooned on the spot, the sound was so cute.

"W-Well, if you don't mind, I'd love to stay for a bit. As long as I'm not interrupting anything." Ladybug accepted.

"You're not interrupting anything." Adrien assured, then he added: "I was actually thinking of watching a movie, if that sounds alright with you?"

Ladybug was his guest and he wanted to do something she would also enjoy. On one of their patrols, Ladybug mentioned that rainy weather was her favorite movie-watching weather, so it seemed like an excellent idea.

And also, watching movies would lead to sitting next to each other on the couch, which would lead to...possible cuddles. Ladybug smiled at him, all dazzling and radiant and beautiful.

"That sounds perfect." she agreed.

Adrien bit his lip to stop the giddy grin that was threatening to break his face into two pieces. Maybe sudden downpours weren't as bad.


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