Chapter 17: Trouble At The Eiffel Tower

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Adrien woke up, feeling that his head was pounding as if his brain and heart switched places. He finally got back up, he felt a bit dizzy. He backed away until he realized he nearly fell off a platform.

"Oh, okay!" he said.

He found himself on the top of the Eiffel Tower. He tried to find a way down, that was until he saw Hawk Moth flying towards him. Adrien ducked and saw Hawk Moth fly higher.

"So he's got wings made from akumas...nice..." he said to himself.

Adrien then saw a car filled with...children? His eyes widened in fear. This was disturbing. He then realized it: Ladybug. Hawk Moth's going to force Ladybug to give up her earrings.


Ladybug swung and landed on a rooftop. She then spotted the car carrying nothing but children. She shook her head.

"Hawk Moth, what have you done..." she whispered to herself.

Ladybug then wrapped her yo-yo around a flagpole nearby. She then began to walk back and pull onto it until she knew that she was far enough. She then let go and was sent flying at amazing speed.

She then landed on the side of the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug then looked up to see Hawk Moth carrying a wire holding the car and holding Adrien by the neck.

"Hello, Ladybug!" Hawk Moth shouted, "This is why only fools can choose to be heroes! Because you never know when a lunatic would give you a sadistic choice: 'Let die the man you love...'"

Adrien's wallet suddenly fell out of his pockets as he struggled against Hawk Moth's grip. The wallet fell and kept falling. Definitely not survivable.

"'...or suffer the little children!'" Hawk Moth finished, " can just give me your Miraculous."

Ladybug then turned to see the kids screaming for her to help them. She frequently turned to both Adrien and the kids. It was either save one of them, or try to do both, or help Hawk Moth be two halves done.

"Make your choice, Ladybug, and see how a 'hero' is 'rewarded'!" said Hawk Moth.

"Don't do it, Hawk Moth!" Ladybug begged.

"We are who we choose to be, now choose!" said Hawk Moth, letting everything go.


Ladybug stared at the kids and Adrien both began to fall. She began to run for Adrien first. She leaped and grabbed onto him. She swung her yo-yo and went for the kids. She was going to try to do both.

She grabbed the wire and threw her yo-yo again. It wrapped around a beam. The car stopped. But Ladybug screamed in a sudden pain. It looked like she nearly dislocated her shoulder.

"L-Listen..." she grunted towards Adrien, "...I-I need you to climb down..."

"I-I don't-" Adrien began.

"Yes you can!"

The two then turned to see Hawk Moth flying right after them. He slammed his fist into Ladybug's face. She swung around due to the impact. Adrien nearly lost his grip. Ladybug then began to slide the wire down, lowering the car very slowly towards the ground. Soon, it was finished. Ladybug let go of the wire, the car was safe.

"Ladybug, watch out!" shouted some of the kids.

It was too late, Hawk Moth grabbed Ladybug and Adrien. He then flew down to a platform on the tower. He set Adrien down while he threw Ladybug down.

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